RPC I, 2010


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume I
Number 2010
Province Bithynia-Pontus
Region Bithynia
City Apamea
Reign Augustus
Person (obv.) Augustus
Person (rev.) Julius Caesar (Divus)
Dating End of first century BC
Obverse inscription AVGVSTVS IMP C I C
Edition Augustus Imp(erator) C(aius) I(ulius) C(aesar)
Translation Augustus Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar
Obverse design laureate head of Augustus, right
Reverse inscription DIVOS IVLIVS C I C
Edition divos Iulius c(olonia) I(ulia) C(oncordia)
Translation the divine Julius, the colony Julia Concordia
Reverse design bare head of Caesar, right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 24 mm
Average weight 8.04 g
Axis 12
Reference FITA 256
Specimens 2 (1 in the core collections)
Correction Corrected coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ B: 18242562, 937/1902
2 2     Leu WA 31, 7–8 Sept. 2024, lot 831