RPC I, 1654


Image of specimen #5


Coin type
Volume I
Number 1654
Province Macedonia
Region Macedonia
City Philippi
Reign Claudius
Person (obv.) Claudius (Augustus)
Obverse inscription TI CLAVDIVS CAES AVG IMP P M TR P P P
Edition Ti(berius) Claudius Caes(ar) Aug(ustus) Imp(erator) P(ontifex) M(aximus) Tr(ibunicia) P(otestate) P(ater) P(atriae)
Translation Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus, commander-in-chief, chief priest, with tribunician power, father of the fatherland
Obverse design bare head of Claudius, left
Reverse inscription COL AVG IVL PHILIP, DIVVS AVG (on base)
Edition col(onia) Aug(usta) Iul(ia) Philip(pensis) Divus Aug(ustus)
Translation The Julio-Augustan colony of Philippi, the divine Augustus
Reverse design statue of Augustus in military dress crowned by statue of Divus Julius wearing toga on central base; altar, left and right
Metal copper
Average diameter 26 mm
Average weight 9.75 g
Axis 6
Specimens 11 (8 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Cop SNG 307
2 2     Cop SNG 308
3 3     Mu: 20
4 4     Sternbeg X (1980) lot 282
5 5     ✸ B: 18234172, I-B
6 6     P: 1074
7 7     O
8 8     B: Löbb.
9 9     Mu: 17
10 10     Künker 104, 27 Sept. 2005, lot 459
11 11     Private coll. (ex Savoca 178th Weekly Blue Auction, 7 Oct. 2023, lot 289)