RPC I, 1002


Image of specimen #31


Coin type
Volume I
Number 1002
Province Cyrenaica and Crete
Region Crete
City Cnossus
Reign Claudius
Person (obv.) Claudius (Augustus)
Person (rev.) Valeria Messallina
Magistrate Capito (duovir) ; Cytherus (duovir)
Dating before AD 48
Edition Ti(berius) Claudius Caesar Aug(ustus) Germanicus
Translation Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Obverse design bare head of Claudius, left
Edition Valeria Messalina Cythero Capito[ne]
Translation Valeria Messalina, with Cytherus (and) Capito duovirs
Reverse design draped bust of Messalina, right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 21 mm
Average weight 5.21 g
Axis 6, 7
Reference Sv 212 corr.
Specimens 33 (20 in the core collections)
Correction Corrected coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1926,0116.138 Seager
2 2     L: 1927,0310.49 Seager
3 3     L: G 686
4 4     P: 763
5 5     P: 764
6 6     P: 766
7 7     P: 767
8 8     P: 767a
9 9     V: GR 13537
10 10     V: GR 13538
11 11     V: GR 13540
12 12     B: 18238099, 5422
13 13     B: 875/1899
14 14     Mu
15 15     O
16 16     O
17 17     O
18 18     O
19 19     NY
20 20     St Petersburg: 9005
21 21     Zurich ZB 461
22 22     Karlsruhe
23 23     Karlsruhe
24 24     G Hunter 40 = SNG 326
25 25     Glendining Lockett 12, 21–23/IX/1961, 3041
26 26     C. Crippa II/1965, 456
27 27     MM list 325/1971, 5
28 28     Leu 10/1974, 67 = ex MM VIII/1949, 894
29 29     Hirsch 118/1979, 765
30 30     Birkler and Waddell II/1980, 308
31 31     ✸ Niggeler 2/1966, lot 577 = ex Naville XI/1925, Levis coll., lot 356 = Numismatica Genevensis 7, 27 Nov. 2012, lot 337
32 32     Mazzini coll., pl. XLII, 1
33 33     Coll. A = ex Leu 13/1975, 399