Province Syria Palaestina
City Aelia Capitolina 
Region Judaea
Reign Elagabalus
Obverse inscription IMP C M A ANT AVG ET ALEX CAES
Obverse design jugate laureate, draped and cuirassed busts of Elagabalus and Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription COL AEL C C P F (AV A?)
Reverse design facing quadriga carrying the conical stone of Emesa, on which eagle facing; in the exergue, branch


Reference Médaillier de Sainte Anne de Jérusalem = N. Van der Vliet, Revue Biblique 57.1 (1950), pp. 111-12 ('Caracalla')
Weight 7.21
Note Kadman p. 110 no 151 identifies the portraits as Elagabalus and Aquilia Severa. See also under