RPC III, 734


Image of specimen #2


Coin type
Volume III
Number 734
Province Thrace
Region Thrace
City Bizya
Reign Hadrian
Person (obv.) Sabina (Augusta)
Obverse inscription ϹΑΒΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ
Edition Σαβῖνα Σεβαστή
Translation Sabina Augusta
Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Sabina, right
Reverse inscription ΒΙΖΥΗΝΩΝ
Edition Βιζυηνῶν
Translation of the Bizyans
Reverse design Ares standing left, holding spear in right hand and shield in left hand
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 25 mm
Average weight 9.08 g
Axis 5, 6
Reference Jurukova 10
Specimens 8 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1970,0909.7
2 2     ✸ B: 18242994, 317/1876
3 3     Sofia: 6733
4 4     CGT coll., ex Auctiones 25, lot 38
5 5     Numismatic Naumann 103, 6 June 2021, lot 365
6 6     Roma Numismatics EA 98, 16 June 2022, lot 841
7 7     Roma Numismatics EA 102, 3 Nov. 2022, lot 714
8 8     Leu WA 29, 24–26 Feb. 2024, lot 1262 (ex Roma E-Auction 44, 3 March 2018, lot 406)