RPC VII.2, 178


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume VII.2
Number 178
Province Macedonia
Region Macedonia
City Koinon of Macedonia
Reign Gordian III
Issue Type B: Alexander with flowing hair
Obverse inscription ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ
Edition Ἀλεξάνδρου
Translation of Alexander
Obverse design diademed head of Alexander the Great, right, with flowing hair
Reverse inscription ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ Β ΝΕ(Ω)(ΚΟ)
Edition Κοινὸν Μακεδόνων βʹ νεωκό(ρων)
Translation Koinon of the Macedonians, twice neocorate
Reverse design agonistic table seen in perspective from right, holding two agonistic crowns with palm
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 27 mm
Average weight 12.62 g
Axis 11, 12
Reference AMNG 691–4
Specimens 4 (1 in the core collections)
Note For a similar type issued under Severus Alexander (AMNG —), see RPC VI, type ID 72407 (NY 1944.100.14323), and also AMNG 521, where the table is seen from front.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ Mu AMNG 693.1
2 2     Dresden AMNG 691.1 = cast in BBAW
3 3     AMNG 694.1 (Klagenfurt) = cast in BBAW
4 4     CGT coll.