RPC I, 3140


Image of specimen #8


Coin type
Volume I
Number 3140
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Apamea
Region Phrygia
City Eumenea
Reign Roman Republic
Magistrate Zmertorix, son of Philonides
Issue With Fulvia as city name
Dating c. 41/40 BC
Obverse inscription
Obverse design draped bust of Eros, right
Reverse inscription ΦΟΥΛΟΥΙΑΝΩΝ ΖΜΕΡΤΟΡΙ
Edition Φουλουιανῶν Ζμερτόρι(γος)
Translation of the Fulvians, of Zmertorix
Reverse design inscription in ivy wreath
Metal leaded bronze
Average diameter 17 mm
Average weight 5.04 g
Axis 6, 9
Reference KM 231, no. 2
Specimens 9 (4 in the core collections)
Die-links 4–5, 7–9: same pair of dies. 4–9: same obv. die. 1, 4–5, 7–9: same rev. die.
Note Not a complete listing of specimens.
Correction Corrected coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1979,0101.672 ex SNG vA 8367
2 2     B: I-B KM 2
3 3     CNG 78, 14 May 2008, lot 1336 ex Patrick Villemur Coll.
4 4     NY RW = Aufhäuser (Oct. 1985) lot 192
5 5     RW = Müller 40 (1989), lot 189
6 6     P: 2013/497 ex RBW
7 7     Naumann 85, 5 Jan. 2020, lot 316
8 8     ✸ CNG MBS 61, 25 Sept. 2002, lot 297
9 9     Gorny & Mosch 257, 15 Oct. 2018, lot 616