RPC I, 2120


Image of specimen #10


Coin type
Volume I
Number 2120
Province Bithynia-Pontus
Region Paphlagonia
City Sinope
Reign Augustus
Person (obv.) Augustus
Person (rev.) Gaius (Caesar) ; Lucius (Caesar)
Issue Year 39
Dating 8/7 BC
Obverse inscription C I F AN XXXIX
Edition c(olonia) I(ulia) F(elix) an(no) XXXIX
Translation the colony of Julia Felix (Sinope), year 39
Obverse design bare head of Augustus, right
Reverse inscription EX D D
Edition ex d(ecreto) d(ecurionum)
Translation by decree of the decurions
Reverse design jugate heads of Gaius and Lucius, right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 21 mm
Average weight 6.41 g
Axis 5, 6
Reference Rec 87, FITA 253 (13)
Specimens 13 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type