RPC I, 2110


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume I
Number 2110
Province Bithynia-Pontus
Region Paphlagonia
City Sinope
Reign Roman Republic
Issue Year 8
Dating 39/38 BC
Obverse inscription C F I AN VIII
Edition c(olonia) F(elix) I(ulia) an(no) VIII
Translation the Julian colony of Felix (Sinope), year 8
Obverse design bare head, right
Reverse inscription EX D D
Edition ex d(ecreto) d(ecurionum)
Translation by decree of the decurions
Reverse design bare head, right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 25 mm
Average weight 8.78 g
Axis 11
Reference Rec 203* n.
Specimens 3 (0 in the core collections)
Note Rec was disinclined to accept the coin as an issue of Sinope because of uncertainty about the identity of the portraits. While this uncertainty remains, the attribution to Sinope seems virtually certain, especially in view of the use of C F I rather than C I F.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Formerly Grand Duc coll.
2 2     Sinop: 5-2-73 Casey 300
3 3     ✸ Nomos 18, 5 May 2019, lot 287 = Nomos 23, 30 Nov. 2021, lot 207