RPC I, 4386


Image of specimen #9


Coin type
Volume I
Number 4386
Province Syria
Region Syria
City Laodicea ad Mare
Reign Augustus
Issue Year 22 (ΒΚ)
Dating 27/26 BC
Obverse inscription
Obverse design veiled head of Tyche, right
Edition Ἰουλιέων τῶν καὶ Λαοδικέων βκʹ
Translation of the Iulians also called Laodiceans, (year) 22
Reverse design Tyche standing, left, with rudder and cornucopia, various letters
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 22 mm
Average weight 8.42 g
Axis 12
Specimens 9 (7 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 14
2 2     NY
3 3     NY
4 4     Cop SNG 328
5 5     B: I-B
6 6     P
7 7     P
8 8     Wendt XXI (1978), 649G
9 9     ✸ Solidus 96, 22 Mar. 2022, lot 1133, ex Franke