RPC X, — (unassigned; ID 60119)


Image of specimen #—


Coin type
Volume X
Number — (unassigned; ID 60119)
Province Phrygia-Caria
Subprovince Conventus of Alabanda
Region Caria
City Aphrodisias
Reign Gallienus (sole reign)
Person (obv.) Gallienus (Augustus)
Obverse inscription ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ Λ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟϹ
Edition Αὐ(τοκράτωρ) Καῖ(σαρ) Πό(πλιος) Λ(ικίνιος) Γαλλιηνός
Translation Emperor Caesar Publius Licinius Gallienus
Obverse design radiate, helmeted, cuirassed and draped bust of Gallienus, left, holding spear in right and shield on left shoulder on which emperor holding spear gallops over foes; rear, bound foe
Edition Ἀφροδεισιέων Καπετώλ(ια) Πύθια Οἰκουμενικὰ
Translation of the Aphrodisians, the Capitolia, the Pythia, the Oikoumenika
Reverse design two prize crowns, both inscribed, on table, inscribed, with curved legs; beneath table, amphora with two purses
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 27 mm
Average weight 9.13 g
Axis 5, 6
Reference MacDonald 227 (part)
Specimens 4 (1 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
    L: G1874,0714.322 BMC 150
    V-ON SNG Leypold 807
    CGT coll. = Savoca 30th Blue, 22 March 2020, lot 1273
    ✸ MacDonald 227 with O262 and R543