RPC X, — (unassigned; ID 60070)


Image of specimen #—


Coin type
Volume X
Number — (unassigned; ID 60070)
Province Phrygia-Caria
Subprovince Conventus of Alabanda
Region Caria
City Antioch ad Maeandrum
Reign Gallienus (sole reign)
Person (obv.) Salonina (Augusta)
Obverse inscription ΙΟΥ ΚΟΡ ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝ
Edition Ἰού(λια) Κορ(νηλία) Σαλωνῖν(α)
Translation Julia Cornelia Salonina
Obverse design draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
Reverse inscription ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ
Edition Ἀντιοχέων
Translation of the Antiochians
Reverse design garlanded altar, on which eagle standing left, head right, wings spread, with serpent in claws
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 25 mm
Average weight 7.35 g
Axis 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 12
Specimens 30 (16 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
    L: 1844,0425.1171E BMC 61
    P: 180
    P: 179
    B: IB
    B: Löbb.
    B: 28778
    Cop SNG 65
    Mu SNG 94
    Mu SNG 95
    NY: 1944.100.47668
    NY: 1953.171.796
    O: Raye
    V: GR 30100
    V: GR 29242
    V: GR 18252
    V: GR 30832
    Boston: 64.1411 Levante, Iotape 36
    Tübingen SNG 3353
    V-ON SNG Leypold 798
    CGT coll.
    CGT coll.
    CGT coll. = Roma Numismatics May 2013 , 21 May 2013, lot 1046 = Roma Numismatics 4, 30 Sept. 2012, lot 2558
    ✸ CNG EA 278, 25 Apr. 2012, lot 207
    Falghera 2628
    JM Doyen coll. (ex Naumann 63, 4 Mar. 2018, lot 780)
    Lindgren I, 619
    Naumann 85, 5 Jan. 2020, lot 329
    Roma Numismatics EA 77, 26 Nov. 2020, lot 969
    Roma Numismatics May 2013 , 21 May 2013, lot 1046 = Roma Numismatics 4, 30 Sept. 2012, lot 2558
    SNG vA 2432