RPC VI, 6551 (temporary)


Image of specimen #8


Coin type
Volume VI
Number 6551 (temporary)
Province Galatia
Region Pontus
City Neocaesarea
Reign Severus Alexander
Person (obv.) Severus Alexander (Augustus)
Issue ΡΟΑ = 171
Dating 234/235
Obverse inscription ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ϹΕ ΑΛΕΖΑΝΔΡΟϹ
Edition Αὐ(τοκράτωρ) Κ(αῖσαρ) Μ(ᾶρκος) Αὐ(ρήλιος) Σε(βῆρος) Ἀλέξανδρος
Translation Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription ΜΗΤΡ ΝΕΟΚΕϹΑΡΙΑ (sic) ΕΤ ΡΟΑ
Edition μητρ(όπολις) Νεοκεσαρία(ς) ἔτ(ους) ροαʹ
Translation metropolis Neocaesarea, of year 171
Reverse design prize table holding one agonistic crown with two palm branches; below, vase with two palm branches
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 30 mm
Average weight 15.86 g
Axis 1, 12
Reference Çizmeli 270
Specimens 9 (0 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Çizmeli 270a = vA 105
2 2     Çizmeli 270b = Hirsch 176, 1992, 780
3 3     CGT coll.
4 4     Leu EA 17, 14 Aug. 2021, lot 1632
5 5     Numismatik Naumann 125, 5 Feb. 2023, lot 233
6 6     Biga Numismatics EA 30, 14 Apr. 2024, lot 313
7 7     Numismad 14, 19–20 Apr. 2024, lot 801
8 8     ✸ CNG EA 576, 4 Dec. 2024, lot 341 = Nomos 32, 8 June 2024, lot 261 = Hirsch 176, 20 Nov. 1992, lot 780
9 9     priv Coll H.I.