RPC IV.2, 8474 (temporary)


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume IV.2
Number 8474 (temporary)
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Ephesus
Region Ionia
City Ephesus
Reign Antoninus Pius
Person (obv.) Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Issue Issue 2
Dating 138–161
Obverse inscription Τ ΑΙΛ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ
Edition Τ(ίτος) Αἴλ(ιος) Καῖσαρ Ἀντωνεῖνος
Translation Titus Aelius Caesar Antoninus
Obverse design laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
Reverse inscription ΕΦΕϹΙΩΝ ΔΙϹ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ
Edition Ἐφεσίων δίς νεωκόρων
Translation of the Ephesians, twice neocorate
Reverse design temple with four columns enclosing statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; between Ephesus' two neocorate temples, each in perspective, with two frontal columns and enclosing imperial statue (Domitian and Hadrian)
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 35 mm
Average weight 24.01 g
Axis 6, 7
Reference Karwiese 261
Specimens 4 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     P: coll. Chandon de Briailles 1678
2 2     NY: 1944.100.46104
3 3     ✸ Private collection H. I.
4 4     Ephesus: 73/99 found at 'Stiegengasse 3', worn = Karwiese 261 (V21, R121)