RPC IV.2, 1287 (temporary)


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume IV.2
Number 1287 (temporary)
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Ephesus
Region Lydia
City Hypaepa
Reign Marcus Aurelius
Person (obv.) Marcus Aurelius (Augustus)
Magistrate Philomelos III (first strategos)
Issue Marcus and Verus, co-emperors
Dating c. 161–165
Obverse inscription ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝοϹ ϹΕΒ
Edition Αὐ(τοκράτωρ) Καῖ(σαρ) Μ(ᾶρκος) Αὐρή(λιος) Ἀντωνεῖνος Σεβ(αστός)
Translation Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus
Obverse design laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (long beard with short curls) wearing cuirass, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛοΜΗΛοΥ Γ (ϹΤΡ) ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝωΝ (or ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ)
Edition ἐπὶ Φιλομήλου γʹ στρ(ατηγοῦ) Ὑπαιπηνῶν
Translation under Philomelos III, strategos, of the Hypaepenians
Reverse design temple with four columns on steps enclosing statue of Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 31 mm
Average weight 15.17 g
Axis 6, 11
Reference Hochard 759 corr., F. Imhoof-Blumer, RSN 19 (1913), 48, no. 144 corr.
Specimens 3 (0 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Winterthur Bloesch 2, no. 3742 = F. Imhoof-Blumer, RSN 19 (1913), 48, no. 144, ex coll. F. Imhoof-Blumer = Hochard 759a, pl. 38, all publications omitting ϹƐΒ from obverse legend
2 2     Cologne
3 3     ✸ Private coll. CGT = Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 36 (04/10/2015), 427 = GRPCL Hypaepa 143