RPC I, 919


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume I
Number 919
Province Cyrenaica and Crete
Region Cyrenaica
City Cyrenaica
Reign Roman Republic
Magistrate Aulus Pupius Rufus (quaestor)
Dating 34–31 BC (?)
Obverse inscription ΑΥΛΟϹ ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ L
Edition Αὔλος Πούπιος L(ibya)
Translation Aulus Pupius, Libya
Obverse design head of Zeus Ammon, right
Reverse inscription ΤΑΜΙΑΣ ΑΝΤΙϹΤΡΑ, L - Λ (in the field)
Edition ταμίας ἀντιστρα(τηγός) L(ibya) Λ(ιβύη)
Translation quaestor, propraetor, Libya
Reverse design sella castrensis and fasces
Metal copper-based alloy
Average weight 11.53 g
Reference Mu 424, BMC 31, Asolati 151
Specimens 20 (16 in the core collections)
Correction Corrected coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 31 = pl. XLIII, 3
2 2     P: 341
3 3     ✸ P: 342
4 4     P: 343
5 5     P: D'Ailly 17439
6 6     P: D'Ailly 17440
7 7     V: GR 26263
8 8     A
9 9     A
10 10     C: 618 - 1948 Grant
11 11     G
12 12     Mu
13 13     Mu
14 14     Mu
15 15     Mu
16 16     NY
17 17     RWS
18 18     RWS
19 19     B: Fox
20 20     B: Fox