Image of specimen #23 |
URI | https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/1/748 json ttl rdf xml epidoc |
Volume | I |
Number | 748 |
Province | Africa Proconsularis |
Region | Africa |
City | Carthage |
Reign | Augustus |
Person (obv.) | Tiberius (Caesar) |
Magistrate | Decimus V— Sp— (duovir) ; Publius I— Sp— (duovir) |
Dating | AD 10 |
Obverse inscription | TI CA F IMP V |
Edition | Ti(berius) Ca(esaris) f(ilius) Imp(erator) q(uintum) |
Translation | Tiberius, son of Caesar, commander for the fifth time |
Obverse design | bare head of Tiberius, right |
Reverse inscription | P I SP D V SP IIVIR C I C (around) P P/D D |
Edition | P(ublius) I(—) Sp(—) D(ecimus) V(—) Sp(—) IIvir(i) c(olonia) I(ulia) C(arthago) p(ecunia) p(ublica) d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) |
Translation | Publius I— Sp— (and) Decimus V— Sp—, duovirs, the Julian colony of Carthage, public money, by decree of the decurions |
Reverse design | |
Metal | copper-based alloy |
Average diameter | 23 mm |
Average weight | 6.86 g |
Axis | 6, 11, 12 |
Reference | Mu 325, Alexandropoulos 103 |
Specimens | 24 (15 in the core collections) |