Search results: 13 entries found.

I 745
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (24 mm) 7.36 g. AD 10
IMP C D F A P M P P; bare head of Augustus, left
P I SP D V SP IIVIR C I C (around) P P / D D
Mu 323, Alexandropoulos 102 23
I 746
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (24 mm) 6.97 g. AD 10
IMP C D F A P M P P; bare head of Augustus, right
P I SP D V SP IIVIR C I C (around) P P / D D
Mu 324, Alexandropoulos 102 12
I 747
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (22 mm) 6.40 g. AD 10
TI CA F IMP V; bare head of Tiberius, left
P I SP D V SP IIVIR C I C (around) P P/D D
Mu 326, Alexandropoulos 103 3
I 748
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (23 mm) 6.86 g. AD 10
TI CA F IMP V; bare head of Tiberius, right
P I SP D V SP IIVIR C I C (around) P P/D D
Mu 325, Alexandropoulos 103 24
I 749
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (23 mm) 3.33 g. AD 10
C I D; sella curulis
P I SP IIVIR; patera
R. Cagnat, Klio 9, 1909, 202 and n. 3; Alexandropoulos 104 3
I 750
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (23 mm) 3.70 g. AD 10
C I D; sella curulis
D V SP IIVIR; patera
Alexandropoulos 104 4
I 751
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (23 mm) 3.71 g. AD 10
CI D; sella curulis
P I SP IIVIR; patera
Alexandropoulos 104 3
I 752
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (13 mm) 1.98 g. AD 10
D D P P; veiled head, right
P I SP D V SP IIVIR C I C; simplum
J. Alexandropoulos, REA LXXXIV, 1982, 101 and 104, fig., Alexandropoulos 105 1
I 753
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (13 mm) 2.09 g. AD 10
C I C D D P P; veiled head, left
P I SP D V SP IIVIR C I C; simpulum
Alexandropoulos 105 3
I 754
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (23 mm) 7.16 g.
TI CAESAR IMP P P; bare head of Tiberius, left
L A FAVSTVS D C BASSVS IIVIR, P P / D D (in field); Livia veiled, holding patera and sceptre, seated, right
Mu 372, APT 15, Alexandropoulos 106 10
I 755
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (23 mm) 6.79 g.
TI CAESAR IMP P P; bare head of Tiberius, right
L A FAVSTVS D C BASSVS IIVIR, P P / D D (in field); Livia veiled, holding patera and sceptre, seated, right
Mu 328, APT 15, Alexandropoulos 106 37
I 756
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (18 mm) 3.30 g.
TI CAESAR IMP P P; bare head of Tiberius, right
L A FAVSTVS D C BASSVS IIVIR, P P / D D (in field); three corn ears
Mu 329 corr., APT 16, Alexandropoulos 107 6
I 757
Carthage  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (12 mm)
[ ]; veiled head, right
[L A]F D C B IIVIR (around) P P / D D
Alexandropoulos 108 1