RPC VIII, — (unassigned; ID 2336)


Image of specimen #—


Coin type
Volume VIII
Number — (unassigned; ID 2336)
Province Syria Palaestina
Region Samaria
City Neapolis
Reign Philip I
Person (obv.) Otacilia Severa (Augusta)
Dating AD 247–9
Obverse inscription M OT SEVERAE AVG M C
Edition M(arciae) Ot(aciliae) Severae Aug(ustae) M(atri) C(astrorum)
Translation to Marcia Otacilia Severa, Augusta, Mother of the Camps
Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right, on crescent
Reverse inscription COL IVL SERG, NEAPOL
Edition col(onia) Iul(ia) Serg(ia) Neapol(is)
Translation Colony of Julia Sergia Neapolis
Reverse design she-wolf standing left, head right, feeding twins; above, Mount Gerizim
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 30 mm
Average weight 14.25 g
Axis 6, 12
Reference Harl, Neapolis
Specimens 2 (0 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
    IMJ Sofaer 192
    ✸ Heritage 3003, 8 Mar. 2012, lot 20662