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Original comment: '"Seilôn’s praenomen might be read as N, instead of ΛΙ but the reading ΛΙ seems more likely, as stated by Leschhorn." However Hochard 1206 gives ΑΙ, and the newer specimens do seem to have Α rather than Λ, and Aelius seems a more likely name. Hochard (cf. 1293-4, 1296) suggest that his full name was Ailios Aurelios Seilon, because he reads ƐΠΙ ΑΙ ΑΥΡ ϹƐΙΛΩΝΟϹ ϹΤΡ on 2417A/4 (= Hochard 1293a). There is indeed one or more letters on this rather worn coin after ΑΙ, but ΑΙΛ seems the most likely. New discoveries may clarify.