Search results: 519 entries found.

I 1363
Augustus Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (33 mm) 13.17 g. Reign of Augustus
ΚΤΙΣΜΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ; head of Augustus, right; all in wreath
ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ ΙΕΡΑ; thunderbolt with caduceus
Oikonomidou 41–2, Calomino 1A/1–2 4
I 1364
Augustus Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Leaded bronze (23 mm) 6.00 g. Reign of Augustus
ΚΤΙΣΜΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ; head of Augustus, right
ΙΕΡΑ ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ; Nike standing, left, holding wreath
Oikonomidou 1–40, BMC 10, Calomino 2/1–2 70
I 1365
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (23 mm) 6.06 g. Without emperor's head
ΙΕΡΑ ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ; winged bust of Tyche, right
Oikonomidou, Autonoma 11–14, BMC 6, Calomino 3 4
I 1366
Augustus Agrippa
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (23 mm) 7.94 g. Agrippa
ΚΤΙΣΜΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ; head of Agrippa, left
ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ ΙΕΡΑ; acrostolium in wreath
Oikonomidou 1, Calomino 4 2
I 1367
Augustus Agrippa
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (17 mm) 3.61 g. Agrippa
ΚΤΙΣΜΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ; head of Agrippa, left
ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ ΙΕΡΑ; tripod and dolphin
Oikonomidou 2–5, BMC 13, Cop 60, Calomino 5 17
I 1368
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Copper (25 mm) 10.46 g.
ΝΕΡΩΝΟΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΑΚΤ; winged bust of Tyche, right
Oikonomidou 1–3, Calomino 6A-B 12
I 1369
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (25 mm) 10.72 g.
ΝΕΡΩΝΟΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΑΚΤ; winged bust of Tyche, right
ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΙΑ ΝΕΡΩΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ[ ]; galley, right
Oikonomidou 4, Calomino 7 1
I 1370
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (25 mm) 12.85 g.
ΝΕΡΩΝΟΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΑΚΤ; winged bust of Tyche, right
ΝΕΡΩ[ΝΟΣ]; Nike standing, left, with wreath
Oikonomidou 5, Calomino 8 2
I 1371
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Copper (25 mm) 9.75 g. Reign of Nero, probable attribution to Nicopolis (see introduction)
ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙ ΚΤΙϹΤΗ; Nero, standing right, as Apollo playing lyre
ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ; Nike standing, left, with wreath
BMC Apollonia 84, Levy NC 1989, 62, nos 14–22, Calomino 9 11
I 1372
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (25 mm) 9.22 g. Reign of Nero, probable attribution to Nicopolis (see introduction)
ΝΕΡΩ[ΝΙ ΑΠΟ]ΛΛΩΝΙ [ΚΤΙϹΤΗ]; draped bust (of Nero? of Apollo?), right, with lyre before
ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ; Nike standing, left, with wreath
Calomino 10 1
I 1373
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Copper 11.23 g. Reign of Nero, probable attribution to Nicopolis (see introduction)
ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙ ΚΤΙϹΤΗ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΝΕΡΩΝΟϹ (ΝΙΚΗ); Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm
Levy NC 1989, 62, nos 7–12, Calomino 11 7
I 1374
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (25 mm) 9.62 g. Reign of Nero, probable attribution to Nicopolis (see introduction)
ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙ ΚΤΙϹΤΗ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΝΙΚΗ; Nike running, left
Levy NC 1989, 62, no. 5, Calomino 12 2
I 1375
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (25 mm) 10.07 g. Reign of Nero, probable attribution to Nicopolis (see introduction)
ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙ ΚΤΙϹΤΗ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ (retrograde); Nike advancing, right
Levy NC 1989, 62, no. 6, Calomino 13 1
I 1376
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Leaded bronze (25 mm) 11.48 g. Reign of Nero, probable attribution to Nicopolis (see introduction)
ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙ ΚΤΙΣΤΗ; Nero standing, right, as Apollo playing lyre
ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΔΗΜΟϹΙΩ ΠΑΤΡΩΝΙ ΕΛΛΑΔΟϹ; Eleutheria standing, holding pileus and patera (?)
BMC Apollonia 85, Levy NC 1989, 63, no. 1, Calomino 14 1
I 1377
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (25 mm) 9.64 g. Reign of Nero, probable attribution to Nicopolis (see introduction)
ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΠΑΤΡΩ; Nero inaedicula
ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΠΑΤΡΩΝΙ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ; Eleutheria standing, holding pileus and patera (?)
Levy NC 1989, 62, nos 2–4, Calomino 15 3
I 1377A
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (25 mm) 9.64 g. Reign of Nero, probable attribution to Nicopolis (see introduction)
ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΠΑΤΡΩ; Nero inaedicula
ΝΕΡΩΝΙ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΩ ΠΑΤΡ; Eleutheria standing facing, head right, holding pileus and patera (?)
Levy NC 1989 —, Calomino 16 1
I 1378
Buthrotum  Epirus Achaea
Æ (22 mm) 7.04 g. Triumviral period
P DASTIDIVS L CORNELIVS; laureate head of Jupiter, right
D D, IIVIR Q A (in exergue); bull, right
MG 139, no. 30 18
I 1378A
Buthrotum  Epirus Achaea
Æ (14 mm) 3.62 g. Triumviral period
two fishes
NEPOS ET SILVIVS PRAE I D; in three lines
I 1378B
Augustus Augustus Silvius (duovir quinquennalis)
Buthrotum  Epirus Achaea
Æ (25 mm) 12.04 g.
BVTHROTVM AVGVSTVS; bare head of Augustus, right; all within wreath
DOMITIVS [ ] SILVIVS [ ]IN; bull butting, r
I 1379
Buthrotum  Epirus Achaea
Æ (17 mm) 2.96 g. Triumviral period
C I BVT; veiled head, right
[ ]SVRA IIVIR ITER; club and staff of Aesculapius
MG 138–9, no. 38 1