Search results: 962 entries found.

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VI 6787 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (24 mm) 8.25 g. ƐΤ Δ = 4 (224/5)
[ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥΗ] Α[ΛΕΞΑΝ..]; laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
[ΜΗΤΡ]Ο ΚΑ[ΙϹΑ] ΕΤ Δ; altar, surmounted by four corn ears
SM 559a 1
VI 6788 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (24 mm) 7.99 g. ƐΤ Δ = 4 (224/5)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝ; radiate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ(Ο) ΚΑΙϹΑ(Ρ) ΕΤ Δ; altar, surmounted by four corn ears
SM 559a; Ganschow 781–782 3
VI 6789 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (24 mm) 6.25 g. ƐΤ Δ = 4 (224/5)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥ(Η) ΑΛΕΞΑΝ; radiate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡ(Ο) ΚΑΙϹΑ ΕΤ Δ; basket with four corn-ears
Ganschow 783 2
VI 6790 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (20 mm) 6.59 g. ƐΤ Δ = 4 (224/5)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕ(ΟΥ)(Η) ΑΛΕΞΑΝ; laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟ(Π) ΚΑΙϹΑ(Ρ) ΕΤ Δ; three corn-ears tied together
S 559; Ganschow 784h-m 12
VI 6791 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (20 mm) 6.48 g. ƐΤ Δ = 4 (224/5)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟ(Υ)(Η) ΑΛΕΞΑΝ; laureate head of Severus Alexander, right
ΜΗΤΡΟ(Π) ΚΑΙ(Ϲ)(Α)(ΡΙ) ΕΤ Δ; three corn-ears tied together
S 558; SM 558a; Ganschow 784a-g 12
VI 6792 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (18 mm) 4.47 g. ƐΤ Δ = 4 (224/5)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥΗ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡ; laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡ ΚΑΙϹΑ ΕΤ Δ; veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right, with headdress representing Mount Argaeus
Ganschow 785 1
VI 6793 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (35 mm) 27.18 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥΗ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡ; laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from front
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ, ΕΤ Ε; Mount Argaeus between two standards, each surmounted by eagle; on summit, figure standing facing, holding patera (?)
SM 563e; Ganschow 786 1
VI 6795 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 11.39 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝ; radiate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ(Α), ΕΤ Ε; agalma of Mount Argaeus placed on altar; altar is garlanded
VI 6794 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 11.15 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥ(Η) ΑΛΕΞΑΝ(ΔΡ); laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡ(Ο) ΚΑΙϹΑ(ΡΙ), ΕΤ Ε; agalma of Mount Argaeus placed on garlanded altar
SM 560d-e 7
VI 6797 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 12.26 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥΗ ΑΛΕΞΑΝ(Δ); laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ ΚΑΙϹ(Α), ΕΤ Ε; eagle, with wreath in beak, between two standards
Ganschow 791 3
VI 6798 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 11.45 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ; laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ, ΕΤ Ε; Mount Argaeus between two standards; on summit, eagle, left, holding wreath in beak
Ganschow — 1
VI 6800 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 13.14 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥΗ ΑΛΞΑΝΔ; radiate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡ ΚΑΙϹΑ, ΕΤ Ε; Mount Argaeus; on summit, wreath
Ganschow 778f 2
VI 6799 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 12.14 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥ(Η) ΑΛΕΞΑΝ(ΔΡ); laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡ(Ο) ΚΑΙϹΑ, ΕΤ Ε; Mount Argaeus; on summit, wreath
S 560–560a 13
VI 30797 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 12.90 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝ; laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ, ΝΕωΚΟ, ΕΤ Ε; Mount Argaeus; on summit, wreath
VI 6801 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 10.59 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥΗ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡ; laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ, ΕΤ Ε; Tyche, wearing polos, seated left, on throne, holding patera and cornucopia; to left, small agalma of Mount Argaeus
Ganschow 792 2
VI 6796 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 11.59 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕ[ΟΥΗ ΑΛΕΞΑΝ]; radiate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
[ΜΗΤΡ]Ο ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ΕΤ Ε; veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right, with headdress representing Mount Argaeus
Ganschow 793 1
VI 6803 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 13.23 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΓΝΑ ΕΡΕ ϹΑΛΛ ΒΑΡ ΟΡ[ ]; diademed and draped bust of Orbiana, right
ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ, ΕΤ Ε; Tyche, wearing polos, seated left, on throne, holding Mount Argaeus and cornucopia
Ganschow 851 2
VI 6802 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (27 mm) 11.33 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΓΝΑ ΕΡΕ ϹΑΛΛ ΒΑΡ ΟΡΒΙ; diademed and draped bust of Orbiana, right
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ, ΕΤ Ε; veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right, with headdress representing Mount Argaeus
Ganschow 852 2
VI 6805 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (24 mm) 7.69 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝ; laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ΕΤ Ε; altar, surmounted by four corn ears
S 562; Ganschow 795a-b 3
VI 6806 (temporary)
Caesarea  Cappadocia Cappadocia
Æ (24 mm) 8.74 g. ƐΤ Ɛ = 5 (225/6)
ΑΥ Κ ϹΕΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝ; radiate and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟ(Π)(Ο) ΚΑΙϹΑ(ΡΙ)(ΑϹ) ΕΤ Ε; altar, surmounted by four corn ears
S 561; Ganschow 794 5