RPC VI, 6803 (temporary)


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume VI
Number 6803 (temporary)
Province Cappadocia
Region Cappadocia
City Caesarea
Reign Severus Alexander
Person (obv.) Orbiana (Augusta)
Issue ƐΤ Ɛ = 5
Dating 225/6
Obverse inscription ΓΝΑ ΕΡΕ ϹΑΛΛ ΒΑΡ ΟΡ[ ]
Edition Γ(ναία) Ἑρε(ννία) Σαλλ(ουστία) Βαρ(βία) Ὀρ[---]
Translation Gnaea Herennnia Sallustia Barbia Orbiana[---]
Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Orbiana, right
Reverse inscription ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ, ΕΤ Ε
Edition Μητρο(πόλεως) Καισαρί(ας) ἔτ(ους) εʹ
Translation of the metropolis Caesarea, of year 5
Reverse design Tyche, wearing polos, seated left, on throne, holding Mount Argaeus and cornucopia
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 27 mm
Average weight 13.23 g
Reference Ganschow 851
Specimens 2 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ P: M 1046
2 2     Mu: 112