Search results: 638 entries found.

I 4707
Tyre  Phoenicia Syria
Æ (21 mm) 37/36 BC
laureate head of Heracles (Melqart) with lion skin knotted about neck, right
ΤΥΡ, 𐤋𐤑𐤓, Ϙ; club surmounted by monogram; all in wreath
I 4720
Tyre  Phoenicia Syria
Æ (19 mm) 37/36 BC
veiled head of Tyche with palm, right
ΤΥ ΙΕΡΑ ΑΣΥ, 𐤋𐤑𐤓, Ϙ; galley, left
I 4740
Ptolemais  Phoenicia Syria
Æ (24 mm) 9.88 g. Year 11 (39/38 BC)
bare head of Antony, right; all in wreath
ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΕΩΝ ΙΕΡΑΣ, L ΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ (in field); Tyche standing, left, with aplustre and palm branch
Seyrig 19 (Rouvier 993, Kadman 73) 18
I 4741
Ptolemais  Phoenicia Syria
Æ (24 mm) 9.68 g. Year 3 (35/34 BC)
bare head of Antony, right; all in wreath
ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑ L Γ (in l. field), ΙΕΡΑϹ ΑϹΥΛΟΥ (around, on r.), ΙΕ (in r. field); diademed bust of Cleopatra, right
?Seyrig 20, Kadman 74 3
I 4742
Ptolemais  Phoenicia Syria
Æ (24 mm) 9.71 g. Years 3 and 15 (35/34 BC)
bare head of Antony, right; all in wreath
ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΕΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ, ΙΕ; diademed bust of Cleopatra, right
Seyrig 20 var. (Kadman 74) 8
I 4752
Dora  Phoenicia Syria
Æ (23 mm) 8.17 g. Year 19 (34/33 BC)
jugate busts of Cleopatra and Antony, right
L ΘΙ ΔΩ; Tyche standing, left, with palm branch and caduceus
Meshorer 13 9
I 4753
Dora  Phoenicia Syria
Æ (17 mm) 5.41 g. Year 31 (34/33 BC)
jugate busts in wreath, right
L ΑΛ; Tyche standing, left, with rudder and cornucopia
Meshorer 14 1
I 4754
Dora  Phoenicia Syria
Æ (16 mm) 3.21 g. Year 31 (34/33 BC)
female head in wreath, right
L ΛΑ; poppy between two ears of corn
Meshorer 15 2
I 4755
Dora  Phoenicia Syria
Æ (22 mm) 7.94 g. Year 32 (33/32 BC)
laureate head of Doros, right
ΔΩΡΙΤΩΝ, L ΒΛ; Tyche standing, left, with palm branch and caduceus
Meshorer 10, BMC 24 corr. 5
I 4768
Roman Republic Lysanias
Chalcis ad Belum  Syria Syria
Æ (20 mm) 5.14 g. Lysanias Year 272, crude style (40 BC)
ΠΤΟ; diademed head, right
ΒΟϹ (ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ) (ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕ); Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm; various monograms
I 4769
Roman Republic Lysanias
Chalcis ad Belum  Syria Syria
Æ (20 mm) 6.49 g.
female head, right
ΛϹΑ ΤΕΤΡ ΑΡΧ ΦΙ; double cornucopia
I 4770
Roman Republic Lysanias
Chalcis ad Belum  Syria Syria
Æ (20 mm) 5.30 g. undated, better style (40/36 BC)
ΠΤΟ; diademed head, right
ΛΥΣΑΝΙΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΩΣ, ΦΛ (to r.); Athena standing, left, holding Nike and resting hand on shield
BMC 6 27
I 4771
Chalcis ad Belum  Syria Syria
Æ (20 mm) 6.51 g. 32/31 BC
ΒΑϹΙΛΙϹϹΗϹ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑϹ; bust of Cleopatra, right
ΕΤΟΥϹ ΚΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ Ϛ ΘΕΑϹ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΑϹ; bare head of Antony, right
Sv Ptol 1887, Rouvier Berytus 440, BMC Berytus 15 24
I 4772
Chalcis ad Belum  Syria Syria
Æ (17 mm) 5.21 g. 32/31 BC
ΒΑϹΙΛΙϹϹΗϹ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑϹ; bust of Cleopatra, right
ΕΤΟΥϹ ΚΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ Ϛ ΘΕΑϹ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΑϹ; Nike advancing, right, with palm and wreath; all in wreath
Sv Ptol 1888, Rouvier Berytus 438, BMC Berytus 14 8
I 4773
Chalcis ad Belum  Syria Syria
Æ (16 mm) 4.04 g. 32/31 BC
ΒΑϹΙΛΙϹϹΗϹ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑϹ; bust of Cleopatra, right
ΕΤΟΥϹ ΚΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ Ϛ ΘΕΑϹ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΑϹ; Athena advancing, left, with shield and spear
Rouvier Berytus 439 11
I 4781
Damascus  Syria Syria
Æ (25 mm) 10.34 g. Year 276 (37/36 BC)
diademed bust of Cleopatra, right
ΔΑΜΑΣΚΗΝΩΝ ϚΟΣ; Tyche seated, left, on rock with arm outstretched and holding cornucopia; before, ear of corn; below, river god; all in wreath
de Saulcy p. 34, 2, Cop 419, Sv Ptol 1890 24
I 4782
Damascus  Syria Syria
Æ (19 mm) 6.81 g. Year 276 (37/36 BC)
head of Tyche, right
ΔΑΜΑΣΚΗΝΩΝ ϚΟΣ; Nike advancing, right, with wreath and palm; all in wreath
cf. de Saulcy 11–12 14
I 4783
Damascus  Syria Syria
Æ (22 mm) 6.33 g. Year 280 (33/32 BC)
diademed bust of Cleopatra, right
ΔΑΜΑΣΚΗΝΩΝ L ΠΣ; Tyche seated, left, on rock with arm outstretched and holding cornucopia; before, ?sistrum; below, river god; all in wreath
de Saulcy 3–4, Sv Ptol 1893 15
I 4783A
Damascus  Syria Syria
Æ (29 mm) 5.70 g. Year 280 (33/32 BC)
diademed bust of Cleopatra, right
ΔΑΜΑΣΚΗΝΩΝ L ΠΣ; Hermes standing, left, with purse and caduceus; before, sistrum; all in wreath
I 4784
Damascus  Syria Syria
Æ (18 mm) 5.90 g. Year 280 (33/32 BC)
helmeted head of Athena, right
ΔΑΜΑΣΚΗΝΩΝ L ΠΣ; Hermes standing, left, with purse and caduceus; before, ?sistrum; all in wreath
de Saulcy 15 3