Search results: 62 entries found.

II 1922
Antioch  Syria Syria
Aureus 5.89 g. Aurei and denarii: group 4 (AD 72)
IMP VESPAS AVG P M TRI P P P COS IIII; laureate and draped bust of Vespasian, left, with left shoulder thrust forward
IMP CAES VESPAS AVG P TRI P II COS II; head of Titus, right
BMCRE p. 106; RIC 357–7A plus corrigenda, p. XV 3
II 1923
Antioch  Syria Syria
Aureus 7.38 g. Aurei and denarii: group 4 (AD 72)
IMP VESPAS AVG P M TRI P P P COS IIII; laureate and draped bust of Vespasian, left, with left shoulder thrust forward
CAE DVM ET TI CAES IMP VESPAS; confronted busts of Titus (on left, facing right) and Domitian (on right facing left)
II 1940
Antioch  Syria Syria
Tetradrachm 14.53 g. Tetradrachms: group 2, year 2 (AD 69/70)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤ ΚΑΙΣΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
(Τ) ΦΛΑΥΙ ΟΥΕΣΠ ΚΑΙΣ ΕΤΟΥΣ ΝΕΟΥ ΙΕΡΟΥ, Β (in field); laureate head of Titus, right; in left field, star
Wruck 80, McAlee 328 28
II 1941
Antioch  Syria Syria
Tetradrachm 14.73 g. Tetradrachms: group 2, year 2 (AD 69/70)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤ ΚΑΙΣΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
(Τ) ΦΛΑΥΙ ΟΥΕΣΠ ΚΑΙΣ ΕΤΟΥΣ ΝΕΟΥ ΙΕΡΟΥ, Β (in field); laureate head of Titus, right
McAlee 329 7
II 1942
Antioch  Syria Syria
Tetradrachm 14.45 g. Tetradrachms: group 2, year 2 (AD 69/70)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤ ΚΑΙΣΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ; laureate head of Vespasian, left, with drapery on far shoulder (usually obscure)
(Τ) ΦΛΑΥΙ ΟΥΕΣΠ ΚΑΙΣ ΕΤΟΥΣ ΝΕΟΥ ΙΕΡΟΥ, Β (in field); laureate head of Titus, right; in left field, star
Wruck 81, Prieur 108–108C, McAlee 330 34
II 1943
Antioch  Syria Syria
Tetradrachm 14.53 g. Tetradrachms: group 2, year 2 (AD 69/70)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤ ΚΑΙΣΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ; small head of Vespasian, left, with drapery on far shoulder, above eagle standing left, left wing extended
Τ ΦΛΑΥΙ ΟΥΕΣΠ ΚΑΙΣ ΕΤΟΥΣ ΝΕΟΥ ΙΕΡΟΥ, Β (in field); laureate head of Titus, right; in left field, star
McAlee 332 11
II 1944
Antioch  Syria Syria
Tetradrachm 14.48 g. Tetradrachms: group 2, year 2 (AD 69/70)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤ ΚΑΙΣΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ; small head of Vespasian, left, with drapery on far shoulder, above eagle standing left, left wing extended
Τ ΦΛΑΥΙ ΟΥΕΣΠ ΚΑΙΣ ΕΤΟΥΣ ΝΕΟΥ ΙΕΡΟΥ, Β (in field); laureate head of Titus, right; in left field, lituus
Wruck 82 corr., McAlee 331 16
II 1960
Antioch  Syria Syria
Tetradrachm 14.48 g. Tetradrachms: group 5, year 2 (AD 69/70)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ ΚΑΙΣΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
(Τ) ΦΛΑΥΙ ΟΥΕΣΠ ΚΑΙΣ ΕΤΟΥΣ ΝΕΟΥ ΙΕΡΟΥ, Β (in field); laureate head of Titus, right
McAlee 10 4
II 2405
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.26 g. LΑ = year 1 (AD 1 July/28 August 69)
ΑΥΤ ΤΙΤ ΦΛΑΥΙ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝ ΚΑΙΣ, L Α; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΦΛΑΥΙ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Titus, right
II 2415
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.71 g. LΒ = year 2 (AD 69/70)
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ, L Β; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΦΛΑΥΙ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Titus, right
II 2416
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.31 g. LΒ = year 2 (AD 69/70)
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ, L Β; laureate head of Vespasian, right
(Τ) ΦΛΑΥΙ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣ; laureate head of Titus, right
II 2447
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.87 g. LΗ = year 8 (AD 75/6)
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ, L Η; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΤΙΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; laureate head of Titus, right
II 2448
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Æ (35 mm) 20.99 g. LΗ = year 8 (AD 75/6)
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ, L Η; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΤΙΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; laureate head of Titus, right
II 2456
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Æ (35 mm) 19.06 g. L ΕΝΑΤ or L Θ = year 9 (AD 76/7)
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒΑ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΥ, L ΕΝΑΤ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΟΣ ΤΙΤΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ; laureate head of Titus, right
II 2807
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (20 mm) 7.43 g.
ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΩ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΑΥ ΤΙΤΩ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ; laureate head of Titus, right
II 2807A
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (20 mm) 4.53 g.
[ ]; laureate head of Vespasian, left
[ ]; laureate head of Titus, left
II 2808
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (15 mm) 3.89 g.
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕ(Β); laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΤΙΤΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ; laureate head of Titus, right
II 2809
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (18 mm) 3.66 g.
VESPASIANO AVG; laureate head of Vespasian, right
TITO ET DOMITIANO CAES; bare heads of Titus and Domitian facing one another
II 2809Α
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (18 mm) 8.42 g.
VESPASIANO AVG; laureate head of Vespasian, right
TITO ET DOMITIANO CAES; laureate heads of Titus and Domitian facing each other
II 2810
Callatis  Moesia Moesia
Æ (18 mm) 5.49 g.
ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
[ ] ΔΟΜ, ΚΑ; bare heads of Titus and Domitian facing one another