Æ (22 mm) 6.78 g.
ΔΟΜΕΤΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; laureate and draped bust of Domitian, right
ΛΑΠΠΑΙΩΝ; Apollo standing, right, holding plectrum and lyre
Sv 28 5
Leaded bronze (13 mm) 3.13 g.
laureate and draped bust of Domitian, right
ΛΑΠΠΑΙΩΝ; three corn-ears
Sv 31 3
Leaded bronze (19 mm) 5.65 g.
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΑ; draped bust of Domitia, right
ΛΑΠΠΑΙΩΝ; Artemis standing, right, with bow
Sv 32/33 7
Hemidrachm 2.81 g. AD 116/17
IMP CAES NER TRAIA OPTIM AVG GER DAC PART; laureate head of Trajan, right
ΔΙΚΤΥΝΝΑ, ΚΡΗΤ (in exergue); Diktynna seated left on rock, drawing arrow from quiver with her right hand and holding infant Zeus on left arm; left and right, armed kouretes
Sv Dictynna 4 corr., Walker II, pp. 65–6, (ii), Woytek, pp. 419–24, 1 34
Æ (31 mm) 11.40 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate head of Trajan, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤΩΝ; Zeus draped, seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, his left resting on sceptre; at his feet, eagle to left, looking back
Sv 64 corr. 8
Æ (28 mm) 9.97 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate head of Trajan, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ [ΚΡΗΤΩΝ]; Cybele turreted seated left on throne, holding patera in her right hand, left arm resting on tympanum; at her feet, left and right, a lion
Sv 65 1
Æ (30 mm) 11.68 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate head of Trajan, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤΩΝ; river god reclining left, holding branch in right hand, left arm resting on overturned vase whence water flows
Sv 66 4
Æ (30 mm) 10.16 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate head of Trajan, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤΩΝ; Emperor in military dress standing left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left resting on spear, crowned by Nike st. to left behind him
Sv 68 2
Æ (29 mm) 10.84 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate head of Trajan, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤΩΝ; Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver with right hand, holding bow in left; at her feet, dog running, right
Sv — 3
Æ (28 mm) 9.01 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate head of Trajan, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΠΑΡΘΙΑ; Parthia seated left on pile of shields, in a mourning attitude; in front of her, trophy
Sv — 1
Æ (30 mm) 11.60 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate head of Trajan, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΔΑΚΙΑ; Dacia seated left on pile of shields, in a mourning attitude; in front of her, trophy with arms at foot
Sv 83 corr. 1
Æ (24 mm) 8.41 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟ ΑΥ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ[ ]; laureate head of Trajan, right
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤΩΝ; river god reclining left, holding branch in right hand, left arm resting on overturned vase whence water flows
Sv 67 corr. 2
Æ (27 mm) 12.15 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Trajan, right, with paludamentum
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤΩΝ; Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver with right hand, holding bow in left
Sv 71 corr. 3
Æ (29 mm) 11.41 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Trajan, right, with paludamentum
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤΩΝ; river god reclining left, holding branch in right hand, left arm resting on overturned vase whence water flows
Sv 72 corr. 2
Æ (31 mm) 13.03 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate bust of Trajan, with paludamentum on left shoulder, viewed from front, left
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤωΝ; Cybele turreted seated left on throne, holding patera in her right hand, left arm resting on tympanum; at her feet, left and right, a lion
Sv 73 3
Æ (31 mm) 12.78 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate bust of Trajan, with paludamentum on left shoulder, viewed from front, left
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤΩΝ; nymph turreted and draped, standing right, her right hand on her waist, holding infant Zeus on her left arm; at her feet, cornucopia, to left and eagle, to right, looking left
Sv 74 6
Æ (31 mm) 13.88 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate bust of Trajan, with paludamentum on left shoulder, viewed from front, left
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤωΝ; Zeus draped, seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, his left resting on sceptre; at his feet, eagle to left, looking back
Sv 75 9
Æ (28 mm) 13.56 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate bust of Trajan, with paludamentum on left shoulder, viewed from front, left
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤωΝ; Europa on bull, right; below, dolphin, to right
Sv 76 8
Æ (28 mm) 12.00 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate bust of Trajan, with paludamentum on left shoulder, viewed from front, left
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤωΝ; Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver with right hand, holding bow in left; at her feet, dog running, right
Sv 77 11
Æ (28 mm) 13.72 g. c. 115 (?)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚΙ; laureate bust of Trajan, with paludamentum on left shoulder, viewed from front, left
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤωΝ; Dionysus with short chiton standing left, holding cantharus in right hand, left resting on thyrsus; at his feet, panther, left, looking back
Sv 78 9