Search results: 931 entries found.

III 563
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (21 mm) 4.88 g.
ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Isis standing facing, resting on sceptre with right hand and holding situla (?) in left
Oikonomidou Augustus 75 corr., Calomino 92 1
III 564
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (21 mm) 6.57 g.
ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; emperor in military dress galloping right
Oikonomidou Augustus —, Calomino 93 1
III 564A
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (22 mm) 4.92 g.
ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Nike in biga right, holding wreath and palm branch
No image
III 565
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (22 mm) 5.66 g.
ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
[ ]; Tyche standing left, holding cornucopia in right and rudder in left
Oikonomidou Augustus —, Calomino 94 2
III 566
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (22 mm) 4.40 g.
ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΑΚΤΙΑ (in exergue); agonistic table on which jug, helmet and wreath; palm branch on left field
Oikonomidou Augustus —, Calomino 95 4
No image
III 567
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (21 mm) 6.75 g.
[ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ]; bare head of Augustus, right
[ ]; Aktia seated left, holding agonistic vase on her extended right hand, left resting on sceptre
Oikonomidou Augustus —, Calomino 98 1
III 568
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm) 3.15 g.
ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Nike advancing right, holding wreath and palm
Oikonomidou Augustus 55, Calomino 100 1
III 569
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm) 3.36 g.
ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; boar’s head prow, right
Oikonomidou Augustus 56–57, Calomino 99 4
III 570
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm) 3.20 g.
ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Artemis clad with short chiton standing left, quiver at shoulder, firing bow; at her feet, dog to right
Oikonomidou Augustus 61, Calomino 101A 2
No image
III 571
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm)
ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Artemis walking right, drawing arrow from quiver with her left hand, holding bow in her right
Oikonomidou Augustus 61, Calomino 101B 1
III 572
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm) 3.18 g.
ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Artemis clad with short chiton standing left, quiver at shoulder, firing bow; at her feet, dog to right
Oikonomidou Augustus 62, Calomino 102 1
III 573
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm) 3.18 g.
ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Tyche standing left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopia on left arm
Oikonomidou Augustus 63, Calomino 106 1
III 574
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm) 3.27 g.
ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕΟϹ; domed two-storey building; lower storey, in which figure standing, left, with four columns; upper storey with four columns
Oikonomidou Augustus 64, Calomino 107 1
III 575
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm) 3.29 g.
ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Apollo naked but chlamys falling from his left arm, standing left, holding bow (?) in in right hand
Oikonomidou Augustus 65–6, Calomino 105 3
No image
III 576
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm) 3.06 g.
ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; boar’s head prow, right
Oikonomidou Augustus —, Calomino 103 3
No image
III 577
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm) 2.73 g.
ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Nike walking right, holding wreath in right hand and palm on left shoulder
Oikonomidou Augustus 53, Calomino 104 3
III 578
Hadrian Augustus
Nicopolis  Epirus Achaea
Æ (18 mm) 4.60 g.
ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΟϹ; galley with seven rowers, left; on the deck, figure standing with extended right arm (Octavian in military dress?)
Oikonomidou Hadrian —, Calomino —, RPC I, 5425 1
III 1441
Hadrian Augustus
Mint C (cistophori)  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 10.52 g.
IMP CAESAR AVGVSTVS; head of Augustus, right
HADRIANVS AVG P P REN; Hadrian togate standing half-l. holding corn ear in right and wrapping left, which holds scroll, in toga
Metcalf 92 24
III 1441A
Hadrian Augustus
Mint C (cistophori)  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 9.90 g.
IMP CAESAR AVGVSTVS; head of Augustus, right
HADRIANVS AVGGVSTVS REN; Hadrian togate standing half-facing, head left, holding corn ears in right and scroll in left
III 1442
Hadrian Augustus
Mint C (cistophori)  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 9.96 g.
IMP CAESAR AVGVSTVS; head of Augustus, right
HADRIANVS AVG P P REN; Hadrian togate standing half-l. sacrificing with right over tripod to left and wrapping left in toga
Metcalf — 4