Search results: 929 entries found.

I 2450
Æ (16 mm) 3.21 g. c. 2 BC
ΜΑΓΝΗΤΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΣΙΠΥΛΟΥ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩΙ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΚΙΛΑΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΟΣ; draped bust of Livia, right
I 2463
Augustus Augustus Hermokles
Smyrna  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (17 mm) 5.70 g. c. 15 BC (?)
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ ΕΡΜΟΚΛΗΣ; Aphrodite Stratonikis standing, front, holding sceptre and Nike, and leaning on column
Klose XXII A 40
I 2464
Augustus Augustus; Livia (Augusta) Dionysios Kollybas
Smyrna  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (19 mm) 5.95 g. c. 10 BC (?)
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩΙ ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΟΙ; jugate laureate head of Augustus and draped bust of Livia, right
ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΟΣ ΚΟΛΛΥΒΑΣ; Aphrodite Stratonikis standing, front, holding sceptre and Nike, and leaning on column; to right, dove
Klose XXIII A 28
I 2465
Augustus Augustus Dionysios Kollybas
Smyrna  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (17 mm) 3.93 g. c. 10 BC (?)
ΣΕΒΑ(Σ)ΤΟΣ ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΟΣ ΚΟΛΛΥΒΑΣ; Nike standing, left, holding wreath and palm
Klose XXII B 59
I 2466
Smyrna  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (19 mm) 5.53 g. c. 10 BC (?)
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩΙ ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΟΙ; jugate laureate head of Augustus and draped bust of Livia, right
ΛΕΟΝΤΙΣΚΟΣ ΙΠΠΟΜΕΔΟΝΤΟΣ; Aphrodite Stratonikis standing, front, holding sceptre and Nike, and leaning on column; to right, dove
Klose XXIII B 80
I 2467
Augustus Augustus; Tiberius (Caesar) Koronos
Smyrna  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (19 mm) 4.72 g. c. AD 4/14
ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΝ ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΑ; bare heads of Augustus and Tiberius Caesar, facing one another
ΛΙΒΙΑΝ ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ ΚΟΡΩΝΟϹ; Livia as Aphrodite Stratonikis standing, front, holding sceptre and Nike, and leaning on column; to right, dove; to left, monogram including letters ΑΠΡ
Klose XXIV 57
I 2468
Augustus Augustus Koronos
Smyrna  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Æ (13 mm) 3.08 g. c. AD 4/14
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΚΟΡΩΝΟΣ ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ; capricorn, right
Klose XXII C corr. 19
I 2492
Augustus Augustus
Clazomenae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (20 mm) 4.32 g.
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Augustus, right; to right, star
ΚΛΑΖΟΜΕΝΙΩΝ ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ; Athena standing, right, holding out hand below star, and resting arm on shield
AMC 1265 6
I 2493
Augustus Augustus
Clazomenae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Æ (20 mm) 4.28 g.
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Augustus, left (star in front of head not visible, if ever present)
ΚΛΑΖΟΜΕΝΙΩΝ ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ; Athena standing, right, holding out hand below star, and resting arm on shield
I 2494
Augustus Augustus
Clazomenae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (18 mm) 4.37 g.
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΚΛΑΖΟΜΕΝΙΩΝ; owl, facing
BMC 117, FITA, pl. XI.48 8
I 2495
Augustus Augustus
Clazomenae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (20 mm) 5.11 g.
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ; laureate head of Augustus, right
ΚΛΑΖΟΜΕΝΙΩΝ; warrior walking, right, with spear and shield
BMC 115, AMC 1264, Cop 116 15
I 2496
Augustus Augustus
Clazomenae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (17 mm) 3.77 g.
ΚΛΑΖΟΜ ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ; laureate head of Augustus, right
ΘΕΑ ΛΙΒΙΑ; bust of Livia, right
BMC 116, AMC 1266, Cop 117 18
I 2497
Uncertain Augustus
Clazomenae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (18 mm) 5.89 g. Augustus?
laureate head of Augustus (?), right
ΚΛΑΖΟΜΕΝΙΩΝ; ram reclining, right
I 2505
Augustus Augustus Metronax, son of Zopyros
Erythrae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (14 mm) 2.50 g. c. 10 BC (?)
ΕΡΥ; laureate head of Augustus, right; before, lituus
ΜΗΤΡΩΝΑΞ ΖΩΠΥΡΟΥ; star and inscription in four lines
BMC 246, AMC 1286, Cop 764 35
I 2506
Augustus Augustus Hekatonymos, son of Aischrion
Erythrae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (18 mm) 4.93 g. c. 10 BC (?)
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; laureate head of Augustus, right
ΕΡΥ ΕΚΑΤΩΝΥΜΟΣ ΑΙΣΧΡΙΩΝΟΣ; inscription in five lines
BMC 245, Cop 766 9
I 2507
Uncertain Augustus Herakleos, son of Dinomenes
Erythrae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Æ (14 mm) 2.86 g. uncertain emperor (Augustus or Tiberius)
ΕΡΥ; bare head of Augustus (?) or Tiberius (?). right
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΟΣ ΔΙΝΟΜΕΝΟΥΣ; Heracles advancing, right, brandishing club
AMC 1290 15
I 2508
Uncertain Augustus Stratokles, son of Orthaios
Erythrae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (14 mm) 2.70 g. uncertain emperor (Augustus or Tiberius)
ΕΡΥ; bare head of Augustus (?) or Tiberius (?). right
ΣΤΡΑΤΟΚΛΗΣ ΟΡΘΑΙΟΥ; Heracles advancing, right, brandishing club
BMC 248, AMC 1289, Cop 762 12
I 2509
Erythrae  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (14 mm) 2.77 g. uncertain emperor (Augustus or Tiberius)
ΕΡΥ; bare head of Augustus (?) or Tiberius (?). right
ΕΠΙΘΕΡΣΗΣ ΘΕΥ(?)ΤΟΥ; Heracles advancing, right, brandishing club
BMC 250 corr., Cop 761 6
I 2511
Augustus Augustus
Teos  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (18 mm) 4.95 g.
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ; temple with four columns, enclosing bare head of Augustus, right
ΤΗΙΩΝ; Dionysus standing, left, with cantharus and filleted thyrsus
BMC 69, Cop 1515 18
I 2512
Augustus Augustus
Teos  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (17 mm) 3.57 g.
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΤΗΙΩΝ; Dionysus standing, left, with cantharus and filleted thyrsus
BMC 68, AMC 1319, Cop 1514 12