Search results: 38 entries found.

I 101
Augustus Gaius (Caesar)
Iulia Traducta  Hispania Baetica
Bronze (21 mm) 6.22 g.
C CAES F; bare head of Gaius, right
IVL TRA; bunch of grapes to left or right
Vives 164–5, 6, Chaves 8–49, NAH 1012, GMI 1058 47
I 102
Augustus Gaius (Caesar)
Iulia Traducta  Hispania Baetica
Æ (21 mm) 5.43 g.
C CAES F; bare head of Gaius, right
IVL TRAD; ear of barley
Vives 164–7, Chaves 50–4 8
I 211
Tarraco  Hispania Tarraconensis
Bronze (17 mm) 4.30 g. Augustus, Gaius, and Lucius (after 2BC)
CAESAR(ES) GEM(INI); standing figures of Gaius and Lucius, holding shields between them
C V T TAR(R); bull, right
Vives 169–2, 3, Hill 5–4, GMI 407, Villaronga 2, NAH 954 44
I 212
Tarraco  Hispania Tarraconensis
Æ (17 mm) 4.21 g. Augustus, Gaius, and Lucius (after 2BC)
CAESARES GEMINI; standing figures of Gaius and Lucius
C V T TARR; bull, right
Vives 169–1, Villaronga 3 19
I 213
Tarraco  Hispania Tarraconensis
Æ (18 mm) 4.06 g. Augustus, Gaius, and Lucius (after 2BC)
CAESARES GEMINI; standing figures of Gaius and Lucius, holding shields between them
C V T TARR; bull, left
Vives 169–4, Villaronga 4 5
I 319
Caesaraugusta  Hispania Tarraconensis
Æ (32 mm) 23.11 g. 4–3 BC
IMP AVG L CAESAR C CAES COS DES; three standing figures: Augustus in middle holding simpulum, Lucius Caesar and Gaius Caesar beside, all on bases
CAESARAVGVSTA IIVIR CN DOM AMPIAN C VET LANCIA; vexillum between standards (radiate phalerae), on them legionary numbers VI, IIII, X, from left to right; all on bases
Vives 148–11, Hill 14–9, Beltrán 18, NAH 981 13
I 798
Achulla  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (30 mm) 13.61 g. 8/7 BC
AVG PONT MAX, C L (in field under Augustus's head); bare head of Augustus, left; in front, bare head of Gaius, r; behind, bare head of Lucius, left
P QVINCTILI VARI ACHVLLA; bare head of Varus, right
Mu 7–8, FITA 230 (1), Alexandropoulos 59 21
I 800
Achulla  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (36 mm) 13.72 g. 7/6 BC
AVG PONT MAX, C L (in field under Augustus's head); bare head of Augustus, left; in front, bare head of Gaius, r; behind, bare head of Lucius, left
L VOLVSIVS SATVR ACHVL; bare head of Saturninus, right
Mu 9, Supp. 41, FITA 230 (3), Alexandropoulos 60 11
I 1630A
Augustus Gaius (Caesar)
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (19 mm) 5.96 g.
ΓΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; bare head of Caius, right
ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; Caius riding, right; feet of horse on altars (?)
I 2326
Augustus Gaius (Caesar)
Leaded bronze (15 mm) 2.28 g.
ΓΑΙ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; bare head of Gaius Caesar, right
ΛΕΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΚΗ; bare head of Lucius Caesar, right
I 2361
Pergamum  Mysia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (16 mm) 3.20 g. c. 1 BC (?)
Γ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΩΝ; bare head of Gaius Caesar, right
Α ΦΟΥΡΙΟΣ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΑΡΧΩΝ; Armenian standing facing, holding spear and bow
KM 506, 1 corr. 10
I 2363
Augustus Gaius (Caesar) Kephalion (grammateus)
Pergamum  Mysia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Brass (16 mm) 3.35 g. Augustus, Gaius and Lucius Caesars (c. AD 1 (?))
ΓΑΙΟΝ ΚΕΦΑΛΙΩΝ; bare head of Gaius Caesar, right
ΛΕΥΚΙΟΝ; bare head of Lucius Caesar, right
BMC 247, AMC 1227 15
I 2365
Augustus Gaius (Caesar) Demophon
Pergamum  Mysia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Brass (17 mm) 3.30 g. Augustus, Gaius and Lucius Caesars (c. AD 4 or later)
Γ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΑ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΟΙ; bare head of Gaius Caesar, right
Λ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΑ ΔΗΜΟΦΩΝ; bare head of Lucius Caesar, right
BMC 246, AMC 1205 10
I 2393
Augustus Gaius (Caesar)
Pitane  Aeolis Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Leaded bronze (17 mm) 3.16 g. c. 8/7 BC (?)
Γ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΑ ΠΙΤΑΝΑΙΟΙ; bare head of Gaius Caesar, right; before, pentagram
Λ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΑ; bare head of Lucius Caesar, right; before, head of Ammon
GM 619, 186 5
I 2564
Æ (18 mm) 4.48 g.
ΓΑΙΟΣ ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ; jugate heads of Gaius Caesar and Lucius Caesar, right
ΑΡΑΤΟΣ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΥΣ ΚΙΛΒΙΑΝΩΝ ΝΕΙΚΑΙΑΣ; Demos standing, left, with arm outstretched
NZ 1888, 9, no. 8 17
I 2648
Augustus Gaius (Caesar)
Tralles  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (20 mm) 5.19 g. c. 2 BC?
ΓΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; bare head of Gaius Caesar, right
ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕΩΝ Λ(Ε)ΙΒΙΑ; Livia (as Demeter) holding ears of corn and poppy; in right field, crescent
BMC 117 18
I 2649
Augustus Gaius (Caesar)
Tralles  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (20 mm) 5.41 g. c. 2 BC?
ΓΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; bare head of Gaius Caesar, right; below, star
ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕΩΝ; 'colonist' and ploughing oxen, right
BMC 121 11
I 2650
Augustus Gaius (Caesar)
Tralles  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (20 mm) 5.36 g. c. 2 BC?
ΓΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; bare head of Gaius Caesar, right; ?below, star
ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕΩΝ; capricorn with cornucopia, right
Cop 690 4
I 2652
Augustus Gaius (Caesar)
Tralles  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (20 mm) 4.64 g. c. 2 BC?
ΓΑΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ; Nike advancing, right, with palm and wreath
ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕΩΝ; eagle standing right, looking left, wings spread
BMC 122 5
I 2660A
Augustus Gaius (Caesar)
Nysa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (15 mm) 3.78 g.
ΓΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; bare head of Gaius, right
ΝΥΣΑΕΩΝ; bare head (of Lucius?), right