Search results: 2 entries found.

I 2362
Augustus Kephalion (grammateus)
Pergamum  Mysia Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Sardis
Brass (20 mm) 5.11 g. Augustus, Gaius and Lucius Caesars (c. AD 1 (?))
ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΣΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ; Demos of Pergamum crowning Demos of Sardis with a wreath
ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΝ, ΚΕΦΑΛΙΩΝ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΥΩΝ; temple with two columns enclosing statue of Augustus, resting on spear with his right hand
BMC 360, AMC 1222 31
I 2363
Augustus Gaius (Caesar) Kephalion (grammateus)
Pergamum  Mysia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Brass (16 mm) 3.35 g. Augustus, Gaius and Lucius Caesars (c. AD 1 (?))
ΓΑΙΟΝ ΚΕΦΑΛΙΩΝ; bare head of Gaius Caesar, right
ΛΕΥΚΙΟΝ; bare head of Lucius Caesar, right
BMC 247, AMC 1227 15