Search results: 2 entries found.

IV.1 5247 (temporary)
Zacynthus  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ (15 mm) 2.88 g. The Antonines
[ΖΑΚΥΝ]ΘΙ[ωΝ] (?); galley with rowers, left
ΖΑΚΥ[Ν]ΘΙωΝ; decorated and flaming altar on base
BMC 88 1
IV.1 5248 (temporary)
Zacynthus  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ (15 mm) 2.68 g. The Antonines
ΖΑ; galley with rowers, left
ΖΑ; flaming altar
BMC 89 1