Search results: 5 entries found.

IV.3 7373 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.50 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous' (c. 161–180)
ANTI; bust of Hercules/Heracles (bearded) wearing lion skin around neck, left
COLO ; draped bust of Mercury/Hermes (head assimilated to portrait of youthful Commodus), right; to left, caduceus
Krzyżanowska 144, II.2 2
IV.3 7376 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.68 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous' (c. 161–180)
ANTIOCHI; draped bust of Mercury/Hermes (head assimilated to portrait of youthful Commodus), right; to left, caduceus
COLONIAE; round, garlanded altar
Krzyżanowska 144, V.5 5
IV.3 7375 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.35 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous' (c. 161–180)
[ANTI] (?); head of Hercules/Heracles (bearded), left; to right, club(?)
COLON; cock walking, right
Krzyżanowska 144, IV.4 1
IV.3 7372 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.67 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous' (c. 161–180)
ANTI; bust of Hercules/Heracles (bearded) wearing lion skin around neck, right
COLO; draped bust of Mercury/Hermes (head assimilated to portrait of youthful Commodus), left; to right, caduceus
Krzyżanowska 143, I.1 2
IV.3 7374 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.17 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous' (c. 161–180)
ANTI; head of Hercules/Heracles (bearded), right
COLO; bull walking, left
Krzyżanowska 144, III.3 1