Search results: 5 entries found.

I 5401
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (14 mm) 3.23 g. No portrait (Latin legends)
female head, right
C.COSC.CAR; unclear type (rose?)
FITA 243 3
I 5402
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (15 mm) 4.33 g. No portrait (Latin legends)
female head, right
P COSCON; unclear type
FITA 260 2
I 5403
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (14 mm) 2.57 g. No portrait (Latin legends)
TADI; veiled female head bound with stephane
MARI; unclear type throne with axe (?) underneath
FITA 234 3
I 5404
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (14 mm) 1.64 g. No portrait (Latin legends)
head of Hercules, right
M LAE L LICI AED; inscription in wreath
Mi. Supp. 5, 393, no. 692 3
I 5405
Uncertain Lucius Ant— (aedile)
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (14 mm) 2.06 g. No portrait (Latin legends)
C I P[ ]; female head, right
[ ] VICI ANT AED; star of eight rays