ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗϹ ΤΑΡϹΟΥ; Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and resting on sceptre
ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ; Tyche of the City, turreted and veiled, seated, right, on seat decorated with foreleg and wing of sphinx, holding ears of corn and poppy-head; at her feet, river god Kydnos, crowned with sedge, swimming, right
BMC 139 2
ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗϹ ΤΑΡϹΟΥ; Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and resting on sceptre
ΤΥΧΗ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ; Tyche of the City, turreted and veiled, seated, right, on seat decorated with foreleg and wing of sphinx, holding ears of corn and poppy-head; at her feet, river god Kydnos, crowned with sedge, swimming, right
SNG France 1430–1 18
ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗϹ ΤΑΡϹΟΥ; Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and resting on sceptre
ΤΥΧΗ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ; Tyche of the City, turreted and veiled, seated, right, on rocks decorated with foreleg and wing of sphinx, holding ears of corn and poppy-head; at her feet, river god Kydnos, crowned with sedge, swimming, right
ΑΔΡΙΑΝωΝ ΤΑΡϹΕωΝ; Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and resting on sceptre
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ; Tyche of the City, turreted and veiled, seated, right, on seat decorated with foreleg and wing of sphinx, holding ears of corn and poppy-head; at her feet, river god Kydnos, crowned with sedge, swimming, right; the whole in wreath
SNG France 1424–9 17
ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ; Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and resting on sceptre
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ; Tyche of the City, turreted and veiled, seated, left, on seat decorated with foreleg and wing of sphinx, holding ears of corn and poppy-head; at her feet, river god Kydnos, crowned with sedge, swimming, left; in field, left, CIT/ΟΥ ( ?)
Levante Suppl. 258 1
ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ; Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and resting on sceptre
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ, ΚΡΙΤΙ/ΚΟΥ; Tyche of the City, turreted and veiled, seated, left, on seat decorated with foreleg and wing of sphinx, holding ears of corn and poppy-head; at her feet, river god Kydnos, crowned with sedge, swimming, left
ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗϹ ΤΑΡϹΟΥ; head of bearded Heracles right, crowned with oak-leaves, club on left shoulder
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ, ΒΟΗ/ΘΟΥ (disposed either vertically or horizontally); Perseus, wearing winged sandals, standing, left, holding cult statue of Apollo holding wolves in right hand, chlamys and harpa in left
ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗϹ ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ; head of bearded Heracles right, crowned with oak-leaves, club on left shoulder
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ; Perseus, wearing winged sandals, standing, left, holding cult statue of Apollo holding wolves in right hand, chlamys and harpa in left; at his feet, lion, left, attacking bull kneeling, left; in field, left, ΒΟΗ/ΘΟΥ disposed either vertically, either horizontally
SNG France 1437–41 17
ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗϹ ΤΑΡϹΟΥ; head of bearded Heracles right, crowned with oak-leaves, club on left shoulder
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ; Perseus, wearing winged sandals, standing, left, holding cult statue of Apollo holding wolves in right hand, chlamys and harpa in left
ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕ; turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right
ΚΟΙΝΟϹ ΚΙΛΙΚΙ/Α-Ϲ; temple with ten columns on podium; in pediment, eagle standing, r, wings spread; inscription on architrave
SNG France 1435–6 27
ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕ; turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right
ΚΟΙΝΟϹ ΚΙ-ΛΙ//ΚΙΑϹ; temple with ten columns on podium; in pediment, eagle wings spread standing left, looking right; inscription on architrave
ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕ[ΩϹ]; turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right
ΤΑΡ-ϹΟΥ, ΜΗΤΡΟΠ/[ΟΛΕΩϹ]? (in exergue); temple with ten columns; inscription on architrave?
ΤΑΡϹΟΥ; veiled head of Sandan, wearing kalathos
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕ; Apollo, standing, left, holding laurel branch
ΤΑΡϹΟΥ; veiled head of Sandan, wearing kalathos
ΤΑΡϹΟΥ; veiled head of Sandan, wearing kalathos, right
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ; Sandan standing, right on horned lion, within pyramidal monument sumounted by eagle
ΤΑΡϹΟΥ; veiled head of Sandan, wearing kalathos, right
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕ; Sandan standing, right on horned lion, with bow-case on left shoulder, raising right hand and holding wreath in left
turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right
ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ; Sandan standing, right on horned lion, within pyramidal monument sumounted by eagle
SNG France 1433–4 7
ΤΑΡϹΟΥ; veiled and draped bust of ?, left; above, star
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕ; Sandan standing, right on horned lion, with bow-case on left shoulder, raising right hand and holding wreath in left
SNG France 1432 10