Search results: 3,323 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 1324
Achaea Tanagra ΤΑΝΑΓΡΑΙΩΝ in three lines in wreath ΤΑΝΑ winged caduceus
I 1325
Achaea Tanagra ΤΑΝΑΓΡΑΙ head of Tyche, right ΤΑΝΑ Artemis running, right, with torch
I 1326
Achaea Tanagra ΤΑΝΑ head (of an emperor?), right ΑϹΩΠΟϹ bearded head, right
I 1327
Achaea Tanagra female head, right ΤΑΝΑ Artemis running, right, with torch
I 1328
Achaea Tanagra Artemis standing, right ΤΑΝΑ male figure standing, holding spear and sword on shield
I 1329
Achaea Tanagra lyre ΤΑ winged caduceus
I 1342BB
Achaea Elatea helmeted bust of Athena Kranaia, right ΕΛΑΤΕΩΝ head of Poseidon, right; trident on left shoulder
I 1356
Achaea Carystus bare-headed bust, with drapery and sceptre, right ΚΑΡ filleted head of bull
I 1417AA
Achaea Phoenice ΦΟΙΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ head of Zeus crowned with oak, right ΠΑΤΕΡΙΝΟϹ ΙΕΡΕΥϹ Ε palm; all in a laurel-wreath
I 1417BB
Achaea Phoenice ΦΟΙΝΕΙΚΑΙΩΝ head of Zeus crowned with oak, right ΠΑΤΕΡΙΝΟ ΙΕΡΕΥ Ε Π, ΜΕΜΟ palm; all in a laurel-wreath
I 1417CC
Achaea Phoenice ΦΟΙΝΕΙΚΑΙΩΝ ΠΑΤΕ palm
I 1424BB
Achaea Magnesia ΜΑΓΝΗΤωΝ draped bust of Asclepius (?), right Asclepius (?) seated left, his left arm resting on sceptre, his right hand towards a serpent in front of him
I 1500AaAa
Macedonia Apollonia ΧΑΙΡΗΝ ΞΕ head of Artemis, left, with bow and quiver; in right field, monogram ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΑΝ tripod in wreath
I 1500BB
Macedonia Apollonia Augustus ΞΕ, ΤΑΥ head of young Dionysus, left bound with ivy-wreath; monogram below chin ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΑΝ cornucopia, bound with fillet
I 1500CaCa
Macedonia Apollonia laureate head of Apollo, left; behind head, 2 monograms; below chin, monogram ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΑΝ Θ Ε obelisk of Apollo Agyeus in wreath
I 1500CbCb
Macedonia Apollonia ΛΥΣΩΝ laureate head of Apollo, left; below chin, monogram ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΑΝ obelisk of Apollo Agyeus in wreath
I 1500DaDa
Macedonia Apollonia ΜΟΣΧΟΥ ΕΥΠΟΛΕ laureate head of Apollo, left ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΑΝ cithara
I 1500DbDb
Macedonia Apollonia ΜΟΣΧΟΥ ΞΕΝΟΦ laureate head of Apollo, left ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΑΝ cithara
I 1619
Macedonia Koinon of Macedonia ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ in three lines Macedonian shield
I 1620
Macedonia Koinon of Macedonia ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ Nike with wreath and palm on globe, left Macedonian shield