Search results: 18,113 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 2222
Asia Cistophoric mint Claudius TI CLAVD CAES·AVG bare head of Claudius, left DIAN EPHE temple with four columns enclosing statue of Diana of Ephesus
I 2223
Asia Cistophoric mint Claudius TI CLAVD CAESAR·AVG·P M TR P·X·IMP·XIIX laureate head of Claudius, right AGRIPPINA·AVGVSTA·CAESARIS·AVG draped bust of Agrippina II, right
I 2224
Asia Cistophoric mint Claudius ; Agrippina II TI CLAVD CAES·AVG·AGRIPP·AVGVSTA laureate head of Claudius and draped bust of Agrippina II, jugate, left DIANA EPHESIA facing cult statue of Diana of Ephesus
I 2225
Asia Cistophoric mint Nero NERONI·CLAVD·CAES·DRVSO·GERM draped bust of Nero, left COS DES PRINC IVVENT (inscribed on shield) wreath enclosing shield
I 2226
Asia Uncertain mint in Asia (?) of Atratinus L ATRATINVS AVGVR beardless head of Janus ANTONIVS IMP prow, right
I 2226AA
Asia Uncertain mint in Asia (?) of Atratinus beardless laureate head of Janus ANT AVG prow, right with lituus above
I 2227
Asia Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Augustus IMP CAISAR bare head of Augustus, right C A inscription in rostral wreath
I 2228
Asia Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Augustus IMP CAISAR bare head of Augustus, right AVGVSTVS inscription in two lines in rostral wreath
I 2229
Asia Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Augustus IMP CAISAR bare head of Augustus, right AVGVSTVS inscription in two lines in laurel wreath
I 2230
Asia Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Augustus IMP CAISAR bare head of Augustus, right C A inscription in rostral wreath
I 2231
Asia Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Augustus CAISAR bare head of Augustus, right AVGVSTVS inscription in two lines in laurel wreath
I 2232
Asia Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Augustus CAISAR bare head of Augustus, right C A inscription in laurel wreath
I 2233
Asia Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Augustus AVGVSTVS bare head of Augustus, right C A inscription in laurel wreath
I 2234
Asia Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Augustus AVGVSTVS bare head of Augustus, right C A inscription in rostral wreath
I 2235
Asia Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Augustus CAESAR bare head of Augustus, right AVGVSTVS inscription one line in laurel wreath
I 2235AA
Asia Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Augustus CAESAR bare head of Augustus, right AVGVSTVS inscription two lines in laurel wreath
I 2237
Asia Miletopolis Axiochos Ο ΔΗΜΟϹ ΑΞΙΟΧΟΝ bare head of Axiochos, right ΜΙΛΗΤΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ helmeted bust of Athena, wearing aegis, right
I 2238
Asia Miletopolis Uncertain Ο ΔΗΜΟϹ ΑΞΙΟΧΟΝ laureate head of Axiochos, right ΜΙΛΗΤΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ helmeted bust of Athena, wearing aegis, right
I 2238AA
Asia Apollonia ad Rhyndacum Augustus ϹΕΒΑ bare head of Augustus (?), right ΑΠΟ ΡΥΝΔΑΚΟΥ lyre with four strings
I 2239
Asia Cyzicus laureate head of Apollo, right ΚΥΖΙ lyre