Search results: 110 entries found.

I 2412
Augustus Eudemos; Diogenes
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
AR 2.87 g.
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ; sphinx seated, left; before, bunch of grapes
Mavrogordato 82 8
I 2413
Augustus Eudemos; Diogenes
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
AR (19 mm) 3.78 g.
ΦΟΥΡ[ ]ΣΣΙΦΑΥΛΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΡΙΣ; sphinx seated, right
Mavrogordato 81 1
I 2414
Uncertain Rabirius
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
AR 2.88 g. mid first century AD?
ΑΡΤΕΜΙΔΩΡΟΣ; sphinx seated, left; before, bunch of grapes
ΧΙΟΣ ΡΑΒΙΡΙΟΣ; amphora, with crescent (and star) in field
Mavrogordato 80 4
I 2415
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
AR (19 mm) 2.61 g. reign of Nero?
?]ΦΗΣΙ[?ΝΟΣ]; sphinx seated, left, holding wreath
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ ΔΩΡΟΝ; amphora in olive wreath
Mavrogordato 88 6
I 2416
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
AR (19 mm) 2.90 g. reign of Nero?
ΜΙΝΥ; sphinx seated, left, holding bunch of grapes
Mavrogordato 89, Kovacs 284 1
I 2417
Uncertain Faustus
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (25 mm) 9.97 g.
ΑΣΣΑΡΙΟΝ; sphinx seated, left, on club
ΦΑΥΣΤΟΣ ΧΙΟΣ; amphora with cornucopia in field
Mavrogordato 95 4
I 2418
Uncertain Faustus
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm) 3.70 g.
sphinx seated, left
ΦΑΥΣΤΟΣ ΧΙΟΣ; amphora with star in field
Mavrogordato 86 3
I 2419
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Leaded bronze (33 mm) 21.65 g.
ΤΡΙΑ ΑϹϹΑΡΙΑ; sphinx seated, right, with paw over throne
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΣ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΔΟΥ ΧΙΟΣ; amphora; in field, bunch of grapes
Mavrogordato 96α 3
I 2420
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (27 mm) 10.96 g.
[ΑΣΣΑ]ΡΙΝ ΗΜΙΣΥ; sphinx seated, right, with paw over prow
Α[ΝΤΙΟΧΟΣ] ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΔΟΥ ΧΙΟΣ; crossed thyrsi between bunch of grapes and cantharus
Mavrogordato 96β 2
I 2421
Uncertain Stephanephoros
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (31 mm) 12.36 g.
ΟΒΟΛΟΣ; sphinx seated, right, with paw over prow
ΣΤΕΦΑΝΗΦΟΡΟΣ ΧΙΟΣ; cantharus between cornucopia and plemochoe; all in wreath
Mavrogordato 97α 4
I 2422
Uncertain Stephanephoros
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Leaded bronze (20 mm) 3.65 g.
ΤΡΙΧΑΛΚΟΝ; sphinx seated, right, with paw over ?
ΣΤΕΦΑΝΗΦΟΡΟΣ ΧΙΟΣ; cantharus with grapes
Mavrogordato 97β 4
I 2423
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Leaded bronze (17 mm) 2.77 g.
sphinx seated, right, before club
Mavrogordato 92 8
I 2424
Uncertain Asmenos
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Leaded bronze (17 mm) 3.03 g.
sphinx seated, left
Mavrogordato 90–1α 11
II 958
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm) 4.35 g. With Homer (Late first century AD?)
Sphinx seated, left or right (with cantharus)
ΟΜΗΡΟϹ ΧΙΟϹ; Homer seated, left, holding book
Mavrogordato 98–9 3
II 959
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
3 assaria 17.06 g. With denomination names (Late first century AD?)
ΤΡΙΑ ΑϹϹΑΡΙΑ; sphinx seated, right or left (on club), with paw on prow
ΧΙΩΝ; amphora (and bunch of grapes) in laurel wreath
Mavrogordato 100–2 4
II 959A
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
3 assaria 15.37 g. With denomination names (Late first century AD?)
ΧΙωΝ; sphinx seated, right, with paw on prow
ΤΡΙΑ ΑϹϹΑΡΙΑ; amphora; vine with bunch of grapes in laurel-wreath
Mavrogordato — 1
II 960
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Obol 11.05 g. With denomination names (Late first century AD?)
ΟΒΟΛΟϹ; sphinx seated, right, with paw on prow
ΧΙΩΝ; cantharus in ivy wreath
Mavrogordato 103a 5
II 960A
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Obol 15.82 g.
ΟΒΟΛΟϹ; sphinx seated, left, with paw on prow
ΧΙΩΝ; cantharus in ivy wreath
Mavrogordato —; Lagos 1998, p. 422 (Series II, Group A); SNG 1643 1
II 961
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Obol 12.44 g. With denomination names (Late first century AD?)
ΧΙωΝ; sphinx seated, right, with paw over prow
ΟΒΟΛΟϹ; cantharus in ivy wreath
Mavrogordato 104a 5
II 962
Chios  Ionia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
1.5 assarion 9.06 g. With denomination names (Late first century AD?)
ΑϹϹΑΡΙΟΝ ΗΜΥϹΥ; sphinx seated, right, with paw over aplustre
ΧΙΩΝ; two crossed thyrsi, with bunch of grapes above and prow below
Mavrogordato 103b 2