Search results: 485 entries found.

IV.3 7373 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.50 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous' (c. 161–180)
ANTI; bust of Hercules/Heracles (bearded) wearing lion skin around neck, left
COLO ; draped bust of Mercury/Hermes (head assimilated to portrait of youthful Commodus), right; to left, caduceus
Krzyżanowska 144, II.2 2
IV.3 7376 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.69 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous' (c. 161–180)
ANTIOCHI; draped bust of Mercury/Hermes (head assimilated to portrait of youthful Commodus), right; to left, caduceus
COLONIAE; round, garlanded altar
Krzyżanowska 144, V.5 6
IV.3 7375 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.35 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous' (c. 161–180)
[ANTI] (?); head of Hercules/Heracles (bearded), left; to right, club(?)
COLON; cock walking, right
Krzyżanowska 144, IV.4 1
IV.3 7372 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.67 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous' (c. 161–180)
ANTI; bust of Hercules/Heracles (bearded) wearing lion skin around neck, right
COLO; draped bust of Mercury/Hermes (head assimilated to portrait of youthful Commodus), left; to right, caduceus
Krzyżanowska 143, I.1 2
IV.3 7374 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.17 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous' (c. 161–180)
ANTI; head of Hercules/Heracles (bearded), right
COLO; bull walking, left
Krzyżanowska 144, III.3 1
IV.3 7371 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 3.90 g. c. 175–80
DIVA FAVSTINA; draped bust of Faustina II, right
COLONIAE ANTIOCHEAE(?); winged caduceus between two cornucopias
Krzyżanowska 143, I.1 3
IV.3 3785 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 6.04 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
L AVREL COMMODVS; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful - short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, left
COLONIAE ANTIo[CHI]A; Mên standing with foot on bucranium, facing, head, right, wearing Phrygian cap, holding long sceptre and Victoria/Nike; behind his shoulders, crescent; to left cock standing, left
Krzyżanowska — 3
IV.3 7367 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.56 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
L AVRELIVS COMMODVS; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, left
GENIO COLo ANTIoCHI; Genius standing, facing, head, left, emptying cornucopia over altar, holding long sceptre
Krzyżanowska 143, I.1, BMC 18 2
IV.3 7368 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.85 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
L AVRELIVS COMMODVS; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, left
GENIO COLONIAE ANTIOCH[AE?]; Genius standing, facing, head, left, emptying cornucopia over altar, holding long sceptre
Krzyżanowska 143, I.2 5
IV.3 7369 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 6.00 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
L AVRELIVS COMMODVS; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COLONIAE ANTIOCHIAE; Mên standing with foot on bucranium, facing, head, right, wearing Phrygian cap, holding long sceptre and Victoria/Nike; behind his shoulders, crescent; to left, cock
Krzyżanowska 143, II.3, BMC 14 1
IV.3 25186 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.00 g.
L AELIO COMMODO; laureate head of Commodus, left
[COLONIAE] ANTIOCHAE; Fortuna standing,, left, holding branch and cornucopia
IV.3 25002 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 4.78 g.
L AELIO COMMODO; laureate head of Commodus, left
COLONEIAE ANTIOCHA; Mên standing with foot on bucranium, facing, head, right, wearing Phrygian cap, holding long sceptre and Victoria/Nike; behind his shoulders, crescent; to left, cock standing, left
Krzyżanowska — 1
IV.3 7378 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.22 g.
ANTONINVS COMMODVS; laureate head of Commodus, left
COLONEIAE ANTIOCHAE; Mên standing with foot on bucranium, facing, head, right, wearing Phrygian cap, holding long sceptre and Victoria/Nike; behind his shoulders, crescent; to left, cock standing, left
Krzyżanowska 144–5, VIII.10 and IX.11–12, BMC 16 6
IV.3 7377 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.15 g.
ANTONINVS COMMODVS; laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, left
COLON(E)IAE ANTIOCH(AE?); Mên standing with foot on bucranium, facing, head, right, wearing Phrygian cap, holding long sceptre and Victoria/Nike; behind his shoulders, crescent; to left, cock standing, left
Krzyżanowska 144, V.6–7 and VI.7–9 and VII.9, Cop 26 corr. 11
IV.3 7379 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.77 g.
[ANTONINVS COMMODVS?]; radiate head of Commodus, left
COLoNEIAE ANTIOCHAE; Mên standing with foot on bucranium, facing, head, right, wearing Phrygian cap, holding long sceptre and Victoria/Nike; behind his shoulders, crescent; to left, cock standing, left
Krzyżanowska 145, X.12, BMC 15 2
IV.3 17194 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.23 g.
[ANTONINVS COMMODVS?]; radiate head of Commodus, left
[CoL]oNEIAE ANTIoCHAE; Fortuna/Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding branch and cornucopia
Krzyżanowska — 2
IV.3 10917 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 2.64 g.
COMMODVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front
COLO ANTIOCHIA; she-wolf standing, left, head, right, feeding twins
Krzyżanowska — 1
IV.3 17485 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 2.87 g.
COMMODVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front
ANTIOCH COLO; eagle standing facing, eagle left, wings spread
Krzyżanowska — 1
IV.3 8649 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.81 g. c. 180–182
M AVRELIVS COMMODVS; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COLONIAE ANTIOC[?; Mên standing with foot on bucranium, facing, head, right, wearing Phrygian cap, holding long sceptre and Victoria/Nike; behind his shoulders, crescent; to left, cock
Krzyżanowska 143, III.4 1
IV.3 7370 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 2.22 g. c. 180–182
M AVRELI COMM[OD]; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass(?) and paludamentum, right
COLONIA ANTIOCHIA; eagle standing, facing, head, left, spreading wings
Krzyżanowska 143, IV.5 2