RPC IX, 869


Image of specimen #2


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 869
Province Phrygia-Caria
Subprovince Conventus of Synnada
Region Phrygia
City Cadi
Reign Trebonianus Gallus
Magistrate Aurelius Charidemos, son of Gaianus (first archon for the second time)
Obverse inscription ΙΕΙΑΙΡΟϹ ΔΗΜΟϹ
Edition Ἱε{ιαι}ρὸς Δῆμος
Translation Sacred People
Obverse design diademed head of the Demos (youthful), right
Reverse inscription ΕΠ ΧΑΡΙΔΗΜΟΥ ΑΡΧ, ΚΑΔΟΗΝΩΝ
Edition ἐπ(ὶ) Χαριδήμου ἄρχ(οντος) Καδοήνων
Translation under Charidemos, archon, of the Cadians
Reverse design nude Hermes standing left, holding purse, chalmys and caduceus
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 29 mm
Average weight 10.56 g
Axis 6
Specimens 4 (1 in the core collections)
Die-links 1–3: same pair of dies. 1–3: same obv. die as 872/1.
Correction Corrected coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     B: B-I
2 2     ✸ CNG EA 127, 23 Nov. 2005, lot 98
3 3     Naumann 64, 1 Apr. 2018, lot 311
4 4     H-J Nikopolis,