RPC IX, 778


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 778
Province Phrygia-Caria
Subprovince Conventus of Alabanda
Region Caria
City Aphrodisias
Reign Trajan Decius
Person (obv.) Herennia Etruscilla (Augusta)
Obverse inscription ΕΡΕΝΝΙΑ ΕΤΡΟΥϹΚΙΛΛΑ ϹΕ
Edition Ἑρέννια Ἐτρουσκίλλα Σε(βαστή)
Translation Herennia Etruscilla Augusta
Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Etruscilla, right
Reverse inscription ΑΦΡΟΔΕΙϹΙΕΩΝ
Edition Ἀφροδεισιέων
Translation of Aphrodisians
Reverse design (Ϲ), large Α, (Y) in wreath with star above
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 29 mm
Average weight 9.51 g
Axis 1, 12
Reference MacDonald 204
Specimens 3 (2 in the core collections)
Die-links 1–3: same pair of dies.
Note The rev. die was modified: Ϲ and Υ were added at a later stage on the rev. die of https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coin/13847. ΑϹΥ probably stands for ‘Άσυλια, the right of asylum (see MacDonald p. 135)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     B KM, p. 118, no. 24 (‘Tranquillina’) = MacDonald O247/R453b
2 2     Cop SNG 126 = MacDonald O247/R453a
3 3     ✸ CNG EA 201, 17 Dec. 2008, lot 246