RPC IX, 2291


Image of specimen #14


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 2291
Province Egypt
Region Egypt
City Alexandria
Reign Trajan Decius
Person (obv.) Herennius Etruscus (Caesar)
Issue L Β = year 2
Dating AD 250/1
Obverse inscription Κ ΕΡΕ ΕΤΡ ΜΕϹ ΔΕΚΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹ
Edition Κ(όϊντος) Ἑρέν(νιος) Ἐτρ(οῦσκος) Μέσ(σιος) Δέκιος Καῖσ(αρ)
Translation Quintus Herennius Etruscus Marcus Decius Caesar
Obverse design bare-headed and cuirassed bust of Etruscus, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription L Β
Edition (ἔτους) βʹ
Translation of year 2
Reverse design Roma (?) standing left, raising right arm and holding sceptre and paludamentum
Metal debased silver
Average diameter 24 mm
Average weight 12.32 g
Axis 1, 11, 12
Reference D 5107, Geissen 2827, M 3834
Specimens 30 (14 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1864,1118.850 BMC 2096
2 2     P: 1929, Maspero
3 3     P: 3360
4 4     B: I-B
5 5     B: Rauch
6 6     Cop SNG 744
7 7     G SNG 4623
8 8     Mu
9 9     NY: 1935.117.885
10 10     NY: 1974.26.4398
11 11     NY: 1975.160.17
12 12     O: HCR31336 M 3833
13 13     O: HCR31338 M 3834
14 14     ✸ V: GR 25401
15 15     A: 4291 Demetrio 2932
16 16     Brussels: 913 SNG 1335
17 17     Cologne Geissen 2827
18 18     Milan SNG 1687
19 19     Neuchâtel: 121
20 20     CNA, 9 Dec. 1988, lot 205 = Malloy 14, 2 July 1979, lot 573
21 21     CNG 45, 18 Mar. 1998, lot 1092
22 22     D 5107 = DS pl. 267 = Künker 347, 22 Mar. 2021, lot 316
23 23     DS pl. 267.10506
24 24     DS pl. 267.12489
25 25     Gorny & Mosch 196, 7 Mar. 2011, lot 2328
26 26     J. Aiello coll.
27 27     J. Aiello coll.
28 28     MünzZentrum 70, 5 Dec. 1990, lot 787
29 29     Sternberg, 29 Nov. 1974, lot 255
30 30     Weber 8374