RPC IX, 2212


Image of specimen #6


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 2212
Province Arabia
Region Arabia
City Bostra
Reign Trajan Decius
Person (obv.) Herennius Etruscus (Caesar) ; Hostilian (Caesar)
Edition Imp(eratores) M(essius) Decius et G(aius) Valens Quintus Caisares
Translation Emperors Messius Decius (Caesar) and Gaius Valens Quintus Caesar
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Etruscus, right, seen from rear, facing radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hostilian, left, seen from front
Edition Actia(Actia) Dvsaria(Dvsaria) col(onia) Metr(opolis) Bostrenorum
Translation Actian-Dusarian (games), colony metropolis of the Bostrenes
Reverse design in wreath, the baetyls of the god Dusares: large baetyl between two small baetyls on raised platform; the large baetyl is surmounted by several flat stones, the other ones are surmounted by a single stone
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 26 mm
Average weight 13.34 g
Axis 1, 6, 7, 11, 12
Reference Spijkerman 72, Kindler 55
Specimens 25 (10 in the core collections)
Correction Corrected coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1900,0707.363 BMC 48, pl. IV.12, rev.
2 2     L: 1908,0110.1448 BMC 49
3 3     P: 103
4 4     P: 104
5 5     P: 105, Vogüé
6 6     ✸ P: Y 28632/14
7 7     B: 18258321, I-B
8 8     Mu Kindler 55, pl. IV
9 9     V: GR 32831 Kindler 55
10 10     IMJ Sofaer 58
11 11     IMJ: 2008.037/413
12 12     IMJ: 82.04230
13 13     J-SBF Spijkerman 72
14 14     Tel Aviv Kindler 55
15 15     CNG EA 191, 9 July 2008, lot 149
16 16     CNG EA 192, 23 July 2008, lot 160
17 17     CNG EA 208, 8 Apr. 2009, lot 356
18 18     Finarte 995, 26 Nov. 1996, lot 1228
19 19     Finarte 995, 26 Nov. 1996, lot 1235 = MünzZentrum 43, 27 Apr. 1981, lot 199
20 20     Gemini VI, 10 Jan. 2010, lot 692
21 21     Lanz 92, 4 June 1999, lot 1065
22 22     NFA 28, 23 Apr. 1992, lot 542 = Malter 34, 13 Dec. 1986, lot 735
23 23     Mu
24 24     Berk 201, 13 July 2017, lot 463
25 25     R. Hoppensteadt coll.