RPC IX, 2020


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 2020
Province Syria Phoenice
Region Phoenicia
City Tyre
Reign Trebonianus Gallus
Person (obv.) Volusian (Augustus)
Obverse inscription IMP C C VIB VOLVSIANVS AVG
Edition Imp(erator) C(aesar) G(aius) Vib(ius) Volusianus Aug(ustus)
Translation Emperor Gaius Vibius Volusianus, Augustus
Obverse design laureate and cuirassed bust of Volusian, right, seen from front
Reverse inscription COL TYRO METRO, ΔΙ-Δω
Edition col(onia) Tyro metro(polis) Διδώ
Translation colony at Tyre, metropolis; Dido
Reverse design (Dido building Carthage) Dido standing left, holding rule and sceptre, in front a city gate; above the gate, a mason at work; below, a man to right digging with a pick; in field above, murex shell; on right palm tree
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 27 mm
Average weight 15.82 g
Axis 6, 12
Reference BMC 447
Specimens 2 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ L BMC 447
2 2     Cop SNG 379