Image of specimen #43


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 2
Province Moesia Superior
Region Moesia
City Viminacium
Reign Trajan Decius
Person (obv.) Trajan Decius (Augustus)
Issue AN XI
Dating AD 249/50
Obverse inscription IMP TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG
Edition Imp(erator) Traianus Decius Aug(ustus)
Translation Emperor Trajan Decius, Augustus
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription P M S COL VIM, AN XI
Edition P(rovincia) M(oesia) S(uperior) col(onia) Vim(inacium) an(no) XI
Translation Province of Moesia Superior, Colony Viminacium, in the year 11
Reverse design Moesia standing left; at left, bull standing right; at right, lion standing left
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 28 mm
Average weight 14.15 g
Axis 1, 2, 6, 7, 12
Reference AMNG 125
Specimens 49 (23 in the core collections)
Note Martin 3.05.1, pl. III, rev., records a ‘pseudo-medaillon’ of 31 mm, 24.56 g

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 29
2 2     P: 416
3 3     P: 416A, de Ricci
4 4     B: Alter Bestand
5 5     B: Löbb.
6 6     B: Löbb.
7 7     B: Rauch
8 8     C: 138-1948
9 9     C McClean 4339
10 10     Cop SNG 133 = AMNG 125.12
11 11     Mu SNG 196
12 12     Mu SNG 197
13 13     Mu SNG 198
14 14     NY: 1944.100.15206
15 15     O
16 16     V: GR 38496, Elmer
17 17     V: GR 38822, Lacom Fund Carnuntum
18 18     V: GR 38823, Lacom Fund Carnuntum
19 19     V: GR 38824, Lacom Fund Carnuntum
20 20     V: GR 38825, Lacom Fund Carnuntum
21 21     V: GR 38826, Lacom Fund Carnuntum
22 22     V: GR 7729
23 23     V: GR 7730
24 24     Budapest SNG 382
25 25     Budapest SNG 383
26 26     Budapest SNG 384
27 27     Budapest SNG 385
28 28     Budapest SNG 386
29 29     Budapest SNG 387
30 30     Budapest SNG 388
31 31     Budapest SNG 389
32 32     Budapest SNG 390
33 33     Budapest SNG 391
34 34     Newcastle SNG 197
35 35     CGF MBS 41, 26 Nov. 2009, lot 872
36 36     CGF MBS 41, 26 Nov. 2009, lot 873
37 37     CGF MBS 41, 26 Nov. 2009, lot 874
38 38     CNG EA 118, 13 July 2005, lot 109
39 39     CNG EA 213, 1 July 2009, lot 254
40 40     CNG EA 227, 10 Feb. 2010, lot 233
41 41     Emporium Hamburg 67, 10 May 2012, lot 628
42 42     Gorny & Mosch 117, 14 Oct. 2002, lot 353 = Gorny & Mosch 122, 10 Mar. 2003, lot 1644
43 43     ✸ Hirsch 293, 25 Sept. 2013, lot 2969
44 44     Lindgren II, 702
45 45     MünzZentrum 134, 30 Aug. 2006, lot 300
46 46     MünzZentrum 140, 2 Oct. 2007, lot 170
47 47     MünzZentrum 97, 6 Jan. 1999, lot 366
48 48     Peus 369, 31 Oct. 2001, lot 1341
49 49     Leeds-UL: 1386