RPC IX, 1425


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 1425
Province Cilicia
Region Cilicia
Subregion Cilicia Pedias
City Augusta
Reign Trajan Decius
Person (obv.) Herennia Etruscilla (Augusta)
Issue Year ΘKϹ = 229
Dating AD 249
Edition Ἑρέννιαν Ἐτρουσκίλλαν
Translation for Herennia Etruscilla
Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Etruscilla, right, on crescent
Reverse inscription ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΑΝω[Ν ΒΟΥΛΗ ΕΤΟΥϹ] ΘΚϹ
Edition Αὐγουστανῶν βουλὴ ἔτους θκσʹ
Translation Senate of the Augustans, of year 229
Reverse design figure (Livia?) standing right, wearing long chiton, holding scroll(?) in left hand
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 25 mm
Average weight 11.30 g
Axis 6
Reference Karbach, Augusta 105
Specimens 1 (1 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ P: 1980/254 SNG 1909