RPC IX, 1412


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 1412
Province Cilicia
Region Cilicia
Subregion Cilicia Pedias
City Tarsus
Reign Trebonianus Gallus
Person (obv.) Volusian (Augustus)
Obverse inscription ΑΥ ΚΕ Γ ΟΥΙ ΑΦΕ ΓΑΛ ΟΥΟΛΟϹΤΙΑΝΟϹ (sic)
Edition Αὐ(τοκράτωρ) Κέ(σαρ) Γ(άϊος) Οὐί(βιος) Ἀφί(νιος) Γαλ(λὸς) Οὐολουσ{τ}ιανός
Translation Emperor Caesar Gaius Vibius Afinius Gallus Volusianus
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Volusian, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ, Α Μ Κ Γ Β
Edition Ταρσοῦ Μητροπόλεως αʹ μ(εγίστης) κ(αλλίστης) γʹ βʹ
Translation of Tarsus, metropolis, the first, the greatest, the most beautiful, (of the) three (eparchies), twice (neocorate)
Reverse design Apollo Lykeios standing on omphalos, facing, head, right, holding two wolves by forelegs
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 29 mm
Average weight 11.61 g
Reference Lindgren III, 930a
Specimens 2 (0 in the core collections)
Die-links 1: same obv. die as 1341/1–3 (Pompeiopolis), 1413/1–5, 1416/1–10, 1417/1–8, 1418/1–5.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ Lindgren III, 930a
2 2     Biga Numismatics EA 33, 14–15 Sept. 2024, lot 697