RPC IX, 1284


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 1284
Province Galatia-Pontus
Region Pisidia
City Antioch
Reign Trebonianus Gallus
Person (obv.) Volusian (Augustus)
Obverse inscription IMP C VIMP CALVSSIAVD AV
Edition Imp(eratori) C(aesari) Vi{mp}<b>(io) Ca(llo) <Vo>lus{s}ian{d}<o> Au(gustus)
Translation to Emperor Caesar Vibius Gallus Velusianus Augustus
Obverse design radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Volusian, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription ANTIOCH(IO) LCO (or CLO or CL A), S R
Edition Antiochi{o}<a> {l}co<l>(onia) S(ocia) R(omanorum)
Translation the colony of Antioch, ally of the Romans
Reverse design vexillum with S R and eagle between two standards, sometimes with two palms
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 23 mm
Average weight 6.50 g
Axis 6, 7, 12
Reference Krzyżanowska VIII/25, VIII/27–8
Specimens 12 (3 in the core collections)
Note For die links, see Krzyżanowska p. 197

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ P: 211 SNG 1309
2 2     C: 163-1961 SNG 5151
3 3     NY: 1971.21.10
4 4     Anamur SNG 80
5 5     Istanbul
6 6     Warsaw
7 7     Warsaw
8 8     CGT coll.
9 9     SNG vA 4978
10 10     Leeds-UL: 902
11 11     T. Wood coll.
13 13     CGT coll.