RPC IX, 1264


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 1264
Province Galatia-Pontus
Region Pisidia
City Antioch
Reign Trajan Decius
Person (obv.) Trajan Decius (Augustus)
Obverse inscription IMP CAES C MESS Q DECIO TRAI AV
Edition Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) C(aio) Mess(io) Q(uinto) Decio Trai(ano) Au(gusto)
Translation to Emperor Caesar Caius Messius Quintus Decius Traianus Augustus
Obverse design radiate and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from front
Reverse inscription ANTIOCHIO CLO, S R
Edition Antiochi{o}<a> c{l}o<l>(onia) S(ocia) R(omanorum)
Translation the colony of Antioch, ally of the Romans
Reverse design vexillum with eagle and S R between two standards with eagles upon
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 24 mm
Average weight 7.12 g
Axis 6, 7
Reference Krzyżanowska I/4
Specimens 12 (5 in the core collections)
Note For die links, see Krzyżanowska p. 192

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     P: 196 SNG 1287
2 2     P: 197 Krzyżanowska II/4 corr (die I) = SNG 1286
3 3     ✸ C: 155-1961
4 4     O
5 5     O
6 6     Anamur SNG 78
7 7     Tübingen SNG 4406
8 8     CNG EA 219, 30 Sept. 2009, lot 356
9 9     Peus 369, 31 Oct. 2001, lot 1342
10 10     A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz 115
11 11     A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz 116
12 12     Leeds-UL: 894