RPC VI, 8700 (temporary)


Image of specimen #5


Coin type
Volume VI
Number 8700 (temporary)
Province Syria Phoenice
Region Phoenicia
City Tyre
Reign Severus Alexander
Person (obv.) Severus Alexander (Augustus)
Obverse inscription IMP CAES M AVΡ (sic) SEV ALEXANDER
Edition Imp(erator) Caes(ar) M(arcus) Au{p}<r>e(lius) Sev(erus) Alexander
Translation Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription SEP TVRO (sic) METROP COL PEMIC (sic), Δ
Edition Sep(timia) Turo(s) metrop(olis) col(oniae) PEMIC Δ
Translation Septimian Tyre, metropolis, colony PEMIC D(?)
Reverse design three-quarter view of temple with four columns, right, with stairway; globe in pediment; below, murex shell
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 21 mm
Average weight 6.68 g
Axis 6, 7, 12
Specimens 5 (3 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1971,0703.5 BMC 421
2 2     P: 837
3 3     NY: 1944.100.27036
4 4     Leeds-UL: 1340
5 5     ✸ Agora Auctions Numismatic 69, 26 Sept. 2017, lot 166