RPC VI, 8529 (temporary)


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume VI
Number 8529 (temporary)
Province Syria Phoenice
Region Phoenicia
City Sidon
Reign Elagabalus
Person (obv.) Severus Alexander (Caesar)
Obverse inscription M AVR ALEXANDRVS CAES
Edition M(arcus) Aur(elius) Alexand{rus}<er> Caes(ar)
Translation Marcus Aurelius Alexander Caesar
Obverse design bare-headed and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription COL AVR PIA METRO SID
Edition col(onia) Aur(elia) Pia metro(polis) Sid(on)
Translation the colony Aurelia Pia Sidon, metropolis
Reverse design Demeter(?) seated, left, wearing veil, holding torch and ears of corn
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 25 mm
Average weight 11.94 g
Axis 1, 12
Specimens 2 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ B: L1906
2 2     NY: 1944.100.72486